vLookup Hide viewField if no Data

Forums vLooup for SharePoint vLookup Hide viewField if no Data


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    • #25602
      Ray Stopa

      In vLookup, is there a way to hide a viewField column completely if no data is returned in any rows, while displaying other viewFields that do have data.

    • #25617
      Alexander Bautz

      To to this you would have to run some custom js to look at every cell and hide it if it is empty in all rows.

      This should do the trick, but change vLookupTasks with the name of your vLookup field:

      function vLookupIsLoadedCallback(fin) {
          if (fin === "vLookupTasks") {
              setTimeout(function () {
                  var tdTracker = {};
                  jQuery(".vLookupTableRow").each(function (i, row) {
                      jQuery(row).find(".childTableCell").each(function (j, cell) {
                          if (tdTracker[j] === undefined) {
                              tdTracker[j] = false;
                          if (jQuery(cell).html() !== "") {
                              tdTracker[j] = true;
                  jQuery.each(tdTracker, function (i, v) {
                      if (!v) {
                          jQuery(".childTableHeaderRow td.childTableHeader:eq(" + i + ")").hide();
                          jQuery(".vLookupTableRow").each(function (j, row) {
                              jQuery(row).find("td.childTableCell:eq(" + i + ")").hide();
                          jQuery(".vLookupTotalsTR td.vLookupTotals:eq(" + i + ")").hide();
              }, 10);


    • #25781
      Ray Stopa

      Thank you Alex

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