Vlookup filter not working

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    • #37635
      Bernard Sawma

        Hi alexander, i am facing a problem with vlookup filter!
        I am using the following filter: DemandeId eq ‘[[fieldValue:_vLookupID]]’ where i created a _vLookupID column in the parent list and DemandeId column in the child list with a prefill value! DemandeId value and _VLookupID value are the same! If i click on edit without the filter all items are displaying, but when i insert the filter i am receiving the following message: There are no items matching this query.
        Also to note that filter was working normally before updating DFFS version.

      • #37636
        Alexander Bautz

          Can you attach (or email me) some screenshots of the vLookup configuration for the filter and the prefill, and of the parent and child items so I can verify the _vLookupID and DemandedId is the same.

          Also include the version of Modern DFFS you are using.


        • #37637
          Bernard Sawma

            i will send them by email since we can’t upload a zip file here and no more than 4 files allowed

          • #37639
            Alexander Bautz

              I looked at the attachments and because it works in NewForm, but not in EditForm I’m wondering if there are any differences in the filter in the vLookup configuration for this vLookup in your NewForm and EditForm?


            • #37640
              Alexander Bautz

                Sorry, I didn’t notice that you had sent both images already. I’ll have to do some tests to see if I can reproduce it.


              • #37641
                Alexander Bautz

                  I have tested and cannot reproduce the behavior.

                  If you open the “Test” list item in your Parent list you should see the items from the Child list items where “DemandedId” is matching the _vLookupID in the parent item.

                  Which parent item is your screenshot “Edit item (filter not working).png showing?


                • #37642
                  Bernard Sawma

                    i didn’t get your question! can you clarify?
                    also to note, that when removing the filter, all items are showing normally, so the problem is with the filter! Can we schedule a call for this issue?

                  • #37643
                    Alexander Bautz

                      What I meant with my question was to know which of the “parent” items you had open in the screenshot where the “There are no items matching this query” message was shown.

                      We can schedule a meeting for tomorrow around this time – just email me the invite.


                    • #37644
                      Bernard Sawma

                        thank you dear! will send you an invitation link now

                      • #37838
                        Travis Goodman

                          Hey Alexander, I didn’t want to create a new post for this, but I am also seeing an issue with the filter for vLookup.

                          Here’s my setup:

                          – Parent list with a column labeled _DFFSID
                          – Child list with a column labeled _vLookupProjectID
                          (this is also the FIN for both columns, I have verified that)
                          – In my parent list I am configuring the vLookup with the “select web” button to get the website and then selecting the child list in the dropdown.
                          – In the filter I have the following: _vLookupProjectID eq ‘[[fieldValue:_DFFSID]]’
                          – I save the editor and go to the actual form and it’s telling me “Column ‘_vLookupProjectID’ does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.”
                          – Note that in the “build the table” and “add new item” tabs I am able to select _vLookupProjectID in dropdowns to build the table and prefill the form, so it’s a valid column
                          – If I change the filter to use Title instead of _vLookupProjectID then it works perfectly fine. I don’t get it.

                          My hypothesis is that it’s related to the leading underscore being the problem. My theory lies in the fact that I created a different column that didn’t lead with the underscore, but the rest was the exact same. So it was vLookupProjectID and that one worked as well.

                          I have the latest version of modern DFFS installed. Take a look and tell me what you think.

                        • #37840
                          Alexander Bautz

                            If the field starts with underscore you must prefix it with OData_ like this:



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