vLookup Cascade Delete

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    • #9645

        Does vLookup support cascade delete of children items?

        For example, I have an Order list with children Order Lines (in a list). I’m using vLookup to create the relationship between Order and Order Lines.

        When I delete the Order #123, how can I make sure all of the Order Lines mapped to Order #123 get deleted? Is it a SharePoint setting, or do I manually need to handle this with code?

        We’re using SharePoint 2013 and vLookup v2.251.


        • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Baney.
      • #9659
        Alexander Bautz

          Sorry, but this is not built into vLookup. If your connection from the child list to the parent list is trough a lookup column, you can use the built in cascading delete (in SharePoint 2013).


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