Using DFFS in Mobile view

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    • #8645

        Is it possible to use DFFS forms in a mobile view, i.e. on a smartphone or tablet that isn’t using the full resolution browser?

        I have a list that is using DFFS. It displays fine on my PC browser of course, as well as on my iPhone when Safari is showing the PC view of the list. However, when I switch to the mobile view I lose all that lovely DFFS functionality, AND the “hidden” field is visible!!

        Hope you can help as I really don’t want to be learning a new skill this week!


      • #8777
        Alexander Bautz

          Sorry for the delay. I’m sorry, but I have no solution for “mobile view” as this is not accessible in the same way as the “default” form.


          • #15814
            John Colvin

              Hi Alexander,

              I’m not trying to use DFFS in a mobile view, but I am trying to access the forms in the “PC view” on an iPhone, and also on an iPad…but I get the “This took forever” error. Is there a setting I need to change on the SharePoint 2013 side, or is there a setting in DFFS that could be keeping the forms from functioning on an iOS device?

          • #15858
            Alexander Bautz

              I’m sorry, but I don’t have access to any Apple devices. Do regular forms work when not using DFFS?

              I did a Google search to see if you can open the developer console on and iPad, and you can test this approach:

              1. Tap the “Settings” icon on the iPad home screen.
              2. Tap “Safari” to open your browser’s Settings window.
              3. Tap “Advanced” in the Settings window’s right pane.
              4. Tap the button labeled “Debug Console” and slide it to “On” to enable Developer on the iPad.

              Do you see any errors when trying to access the DFFS enabled form?

              Please include the iOS version and the DFFS version you use.

              Best regards,

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