Users unable to copy and paste text from multiline field set to read only

Home Forums Classic DFFS Users unable to copy and paste text from multiline field set to read only

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    • #34943
      Travis Goodman

        Hi Alexander, the team reported another issue to me today. I have replicated the problem and tried different browsers, and am having the same issue.

        When a multiline text field is set to read only, users are unable to successfully copy and paste. My team uses this to copy notes made and paste into outlook for reference in an email, things like that.

        Not sure what can even be done about this. Previously users had an issue where if they pasted into an enhanced rich text, it pasted the entire html of the form, which caused a bug. I definitely don’t want to re-introduce that problem lol.

        Anyway, here’s a screenshot example. When I try to copy this, I can highlight and copy, but it doesn’t actually go to clipboard. Nothing ever pastes.

      • #34952
        Alexander Bautz

          I’m not able to recreate this issue – which version of DFFS are you running in this form? – I did fix a similar issue in v4.4.5.5 back in August 08, 2020:


          • #34964
            Travis Goodman

              SharePoint Online
              Version information
              DFFS Loader: v2
              DFFS frontend: – October 15, 2021
              DFFS frontend CSS: 4.64 /
              Autocomplete: 1.6.52 – April 25, 2021
              Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.48 – September 22, 2021
              jQuery: 1.12.4
              Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
              Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
              SPJS-Utility: 1.354 – October 15, 2021
              vLookup: 2.2.162 – October 12, 2021

              One thing I noticed, I copied some text from a different source, and then tried to copy the text from the multiline and paste it, and it pasted what I copied from the other source. So whatever it is, the copy within DFFS is never reaching the clipboard since it’s not overwriting what I copied previously.

              Also, just out of curiosity, the version you referenced the fix was in is, so why is the October 15 2021 version a lower number at

          • #34974
            Alexander Bautz

              Looking at it closer it seems the fix no longer works – I’ll get it re-fixed and release a new version during the weekend.

              You should be able to fix it in your form by adding this code in your Custom JS:

              jQspjs("#dffs_YOUR_FIELD_NAME").on("mouseup copy", function (event) {
                  if (jQspjs(".dffs-readonly-inner").length > 0) {

              Replace YOUR_FIELD_NAME with the actual internal name of your field.

              The last digit in the number is not read as 50, but as 5 – so 34 is bigger…


              • #34978
                Travis Goodman

                  Oh, duh. Now that I’ve had my morning coffee, that makes total sense lol. Visually seeing it at first looked funny.

              • #34988
                Alexander Bautz

                  I have published an update to fix this issue – let me know how it works out.



                • #35030
                  Alexander Bautz

                    Thanks for the feedback.


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