This example uses a custom list called “CustomDFFSTooltip”, with the “tooltip ID” in the Title field, and a multiline plain text field for the tooltip text.
Add this in the “Field tooltip” tab for the field you want the tooltip for:
<img onload="getMyCustomTooltip(this,'Tip1')" src="/_layouts/15/images/loadingcirclests16.gif" />
“Tip1” is the “tooltip ID” found in the Title field in the custom tooltip list. The spinner image is the SP2013 one – change the link to any image you like.
Then add this to the Custom JS textarea in the “Field table, Custom JS and CSS” tab:
function getMyCustomTooltip(img,id){
var res = spjs.utility.queryItems({"listName":"CustomDFFSTooltip","query":"<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>"+id+"</Value></Eq></Where>","viewFields":["Tooltip"]});
if(res.count > 0){
spjs.$(img).replaceWith("No tooltip found");
This will query the list when you hover over the “help icon” and replace the “spinner image” from your tooltip with the text from the custom list.
Let me know how it works out.