Suggestion: Download button, file icon and mouse-over view for images

Home Forums vLooup for SharePoint Suggestion: Download button, file icon and mouse-over view for images

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    • #9963

        I am using vLookup for a document library and it would be very nice to have these features:
        1. A button to click that starts the download process.
        2. An icon that shows the file type.
        3. If it is an image, a link that could be moused-over to show a small preview of the image.

        These are all just “nice to have” features I wanted to share. Thanks!

      • #10022
        Alexander Bautz

          Here is a few functions you can use for #1 and #3. #2 is just a matter of adding the field “DocIcon” as ViewField.

          1: Download link
          Add this to the “Special configuration” in vLookup ViewFields for the field “FileLeafRef”:


          Then add this to the Custom JS:

          function showDownloadBtn(a,b){
          	var c = [], iArr = ["doc","docx","xls","xlsx"], v = b.get_item("FileLeafRef"), ext = v.split(".").pop();	
          	if($.inArray(ext,iArr) > -1){
          		// Proper method for other browsers - will open it in IE and not trigger a download
          		c.push("<a href='"+b.get_item("FileDirRef")+"/"+v+"' download>Download</a>");
          	return c.join("");

          Change the “iArr” to set the file type to activate this button for.

          3: To show images directly, use this code in the “Special configuration” for the ViewField “FileLeafRef” – you can add the same field multiple times if you like to add for example the download link in #1 above.


          Then add this to the Custom JS:

          function showImage(a,b){
          	var iArr = ["png","gif","jpeg","jpg"], v = b.get_item("FileLeafRef"), ext = v.split(".").pop();
          	if($.inArray(ext,iArr) > -1){
          		return "<img src='"+b.get_item("FileDirRef")+"/"+v+"'>";
          		return a;

          Change the “iArr” to set the file type to activate this button for.

          Best regards,

          • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: messed up HTML
          • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Changed code example for download as the "hack" did not work as expected in IE
          • #10415

              Thank you for this code! I am able to use the “FileLeafRef” in the ViewFields, and I do see a link to the file in the vLookup on the form, but the code does not change. I see you ask that the iArr be updated, but there could be any of those file types, so I would not want to limit what shows.

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