Strange security validation issue

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    • #36472
      William Summers

        Greetings. This happens immediately upon opening the form. If I refresh it goes away. I am not sure if it is localized. This is only happening on a cascading field. I am attaching a pic

      • #36476
        Alexander Bautz

          Does it happen every time, or was it just this one time and it went away after the refresh?


        • #36483
          William Summers

            It happens about every other time, without constant consistacny. sometimes immediately on load. I have tested multiple browsers with the same issue.

            If it helps, there are many times i also go into the DFFS config, make a quick change and try to save and it tells me that the form has timed out and to refresh.

            Finally, i also get the error, when trying to set a field value using the user profile values, it says “The user profile is not ready”. This rule is set on form load. Some context for this is that I am trying to pull manager name from the user profile on load. When it works, i get something like “i0#|membership|”

            so i am populating a text field on load and then wanting to run a function to remove the extra characters and then set a people field with the resulting email.

            In the rules, it would be super cool if there was a “wait for the previous rule to finish” type selection as it seems sometimes they run so fast that they trip over each other.

            I will send a screen shot when it happens and attaching the user profile error.

            • #36485
              Alexander Bautz

                Thanks, I’ll look into these issues and see what I can do in the next version.


            • #36489
              Alexander Bautz

                I have published a new version that should fix these issues. Regarding your request for a “wait for the previous rule to finish” functionality: this is already in place, but as you can read in the change log I have clarified the functionality by changing the name of this rule trigger.

                Let me know how the new version work for you.



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