SP2010 ListView Link to Child Items?

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    • #13860

      HI Alexander,

      I’ve enabled this for my SharePoint 2010 List.
      But in the List view, I cannot see how to link to the Child Item in a List View.
      The _vLookupID column shows text for example: 1203:1467264114503
      I’ve gone thru the forum and documentation but can’t find how to display this a hyperlink to the associated Child List item.

      Is there a setting I need or calc column to use?


    • #13907
      Alexander Bautz

      There is no built in method to link this to the child item. What you need to do is to use the “vLookup_ListView.html” (from the “SPJS/DFFS” folder) file in the list view itself to bring up the “vLookup children” in the list view.

      Let me know if you have any further questions.


    • #13913

      Thanks Alexander, that has worked.
      Just added that file to a cewp in the ListView.
      Much appreciated.

    • #33778
      Paul Lynch

      Hi Alexander,

      I am trying to get this to work a few years later but guess things have changed.

      Instead of linking to “vLookup_ListView.html” in the SPJS/CEWP folder of DFFS, do I now add a CEWP to the form and point it to /SPJS/DFFS/CEWP/DFFS_frontend_CEWP.html?

      Having trouble showing the child items in the Parent List view.

      It is a classic list, I have added the vlookup column, and tabular view is checked.

      Basically just want a link to the child item from the parent item.

      • #33780
        Alexander Bautz

        You are supposed to link to the file /SPJS/DFFS/vLookup_ListView.html – if that doesn’t work you must hit F12 and look for clues in the developer tools console.


    • #33782
      Paul Lynch

      Sorry been a long day and totally got wrong url, thank you it works fine.

      Will buy you a beer and wish Finland well in Euros!

      • #33791
        Alexander Bautz

        I’m glad you figured it out – and just for the record: I live in Norway πŸ™‚

        Best regards,

    • #33784
      Paul Lynch

      Sorry one more thing, the vLookup does the query which retrieves the child item data. Is there something I can add in the vLookup to create a link to the child, in the child table?

    • #33786
      Paul Lynch

      “There is no built in method to link this to the child item.” Just seen this again, so I guess not.

      Perhaps I can do this with JQuery somehow

      • #33789
        Alexander Bautz

        Not 100% sure I understand what you mean, but you can add a link to the child item by using the setting Misc > View item link visible in > List views.


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