SP2010 Dialog Resize Issue

Forums Classic DFFS SP2010 Dialog Resize Issue


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    • #21010

      Hi Alex,

      Could you assist with a resize issue in the DFFS form. I have attached a screenshot (I have removed tab and field names).

      The form does not seem to resize properly which leaves the tabs and other fields on a single line which requires the user to scroll.

      I am using the latest version of DFFS in IE11 and Chrome version 53.0.2785

      Any help would be appreciated.

    • #21013

      Found the reason the wrapping is not occurring.

      Their are read only fields with the class “dffs-readonly-inner” which seem to set the min-width before the form is resized e.g. style=”min-width: 1500px” instead of style=”min-width: 500px”.

      As a temporary fix I have added the following CSS:

      .dffs-readonly-inner {
         min-width: inherit !important
      I haven't done much testing and this may cause other issues. I would also like to avoid using !important if the cause of the width is resolved.
      Thanks again.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Ross.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Ross.
    • #21024
      Alexander Bautz

      The width of the dffs-readonly-inner is calculated from the width of the #sbs_FieldTable_FIN – where FIN is the fieldinternalname of your field on runtime.

      Do you have any Custom CSS that sets the width of some of the side-by-side elements?


    • #21185

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for the reply, sorry for a late response back to you. You are correct and error was on my side.

      The custom CSS that was already on the tab was:

      .sbs_FieldTable *{
       width:auto !important;
      /* Ensure the tooltip icon won't collapse */

      Which was on added from the DFFS style guide DFFS: Styling

      The fields had only been set to auto and not been given fixed widths later on as your guide steps through.



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