SOAP Server Exception was thrown

Forums Autocomplete SOAP Server Exception was thrown

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    • #24273

      Hi Alex/users,

      Could you please help me with the problem I print screened and attached in the attachment section? English part is specific, but then it’s written in Czech. Translation after “was thrown” says:
      “Some types of fields haven’t been correctly installed. Go to a page to list settings and delete these fields: 0x81020014.

      The code:

       "applyTo": "Auto",
       "helpText": "Sem zadejte roli",
       "loadText": "Čekejte prosím",
       "listGuid": "{cdb7397b-d6bf-405b-be81-3f30e0402824}",
       "listBaseUrl": "/apps/aplikace/Stepan",
       "showField": "",
       "searchFields": [],
       "filterCAML": "",
       "useREST": false,
       "filterREST": "",
       "optionDetailFields": [],
       "optionDetailPrefix": [],
       "enforceUniqueValues": true,
       "rowLimit": 10,
       "listOptionsOnFocus": false,
       "minLengthBeforeSearch": 3,
       "reValidateOnLoad": false,
       "allowAddNew": false,
       "isLookupInSelf": false,
       "addNewAdditionalFields": [],
       "multiselect": false,
       "multiselectSeparator": "; ",
       "orderBy": [],
       "clearSetFieldsOnInvalidSelection": false,
       "setFields": [],
       "debug": false

      I tried to find some specific field which could cause the error, but I haven’t seen anything linked to this issue.

      Anytime I try to fill in the field “Auto” the error pops up.
      Don’t you know where the problem could be?


      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Steve.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Steve.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Steve.
    • #24285
      Alexander Bautz

      You must add a field name in showField and in searchFields.


    • #25396
       "applyTo": "n2k6",
       "helpText": "Sem zadejte požadovanou roli",
       "loadText": "Čekejte prosím",
       "listGuid": "{8c19e719-01f7-4248-9fc8-188bb360f736}",
       "listBaseUrl": "/apps/xxxx/Stepan",
       "showField": "Hledej",
       "searchFields": "Hledej", (Is this doing something wrong)?
       "filterCAML": "",
       "useREST": false,
       "filterREST": "",
       "optionDetailFields": [],
       "optionDetailPrefix": [],
       "enforceUniqueValues": true,
       "rowLimit": 10,
       "listOptionsOnFocus": false,
       "minLengthBeforeSearch": 3,
       "reValidateOnLoad": false,
       "allowAddNew": false,
       "isLookupInSelf": false,
       "addNewAdditionalFields": [],
       "multiselect": false,
       "multiselectSeparator": "; ",
       "orderBy": [],
       "clearSetFieldsOnInvalidSelection": false,
       "setFields": [],
       "debug": false

      I tried this and it’s been kind of working, but…I still cannot set it up. It looks like searching, but it cannot find anything. I followed your manual, but I probably forgot for something or missed.

      I just have a list of people (list A) (people are written in a single line of text column). Then I have a form (list B) with “single line of text” where I want to see the data autocompleted from the list A.

      Another help for me?
      Sorry, Alex for the delay.


      • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Steve.
    • #25404
      Alexander Bautz

      The parameter searchFields must be an array – change it like this:

       "searchFields": ["Hledej"],

      You find all the settings in the user manual:


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