Rules Limitation?

Forums Classic DFFS Rules Limitation?

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    • #6419
      Kyle Vaske

      Is there an amount limitation to the rules that can be applied a form? I have created a list that is growing rather large as the users keep asking for more data to be displayed on it. The list format is several questions that have a Yes/No choice, and then a comments field for each question. They are asking for a rule to be in place for if the answer is No, the comments tab will be required. This would be in place for over a hundred fields, with each question requiring a separate Rule. Will this get too large and slow down the processing of the list?

      • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Moved to DFFS forum
    • #6420
      Alexander Bautz

      There is not a definitive limit, but 100 rules will take its toll on the browser. I have not tried this myself though.

      Your specific requirement would be better solved with a few lines of custom JS. This will require a list of the fields you want to apply this rule to, and a corresponding list of comment fields to make required.

      I’ll try to whip up an example during the weekend.


    • #6422
      Kyle Vaske

      A SharePoint List of all the Yes/No columns and another list of all the corresponding Comments columns? Do they need to have matching ID values for each corresponding set of fields?

    • #6463
      Alexander Bautz

      Add this code to the Custom JS section in the Misc tab. Change the FieldInternalNames in the “arr” to match your field names:

      	var arr, chk; 
      	arr = [
      		// Click
      		chk = $(spjs.dffs.fields[o.trigger]).find("input:checkbox");{
      		// Load
      function toggle_requiredByYesNo(elm,o){


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