Request for alternate deployment method

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    • #37713
      Travis Goodman

        Hi Alex! Wondering if it’d be possible to set Modern DFFS up so that the core scripts can be housed on a dedicated site collection and then other site collections you want to use it on can have their normal config lists, but as far as checking for the DFFS source files, it references the dedicated site collection.

        -Centralized location for those that use DFFS across many site collections makes updating easy. You update the core source files in 1 location and all site collections are referencing the files on that 1 location.

        -Improved protection of source files via security through obscurity, source files are not on each site collection.

        Thoughts on this?

      • #37718
        Alexander Bautz

          Are you talking about the Classic DFFS? – the Modern DFFS is installed in the App catalog and you can add it to your tenant app catalog if you don’t want to add it to individual site collection app catalogs.


        • #37741
          Travis Goodman

            Modern, yeah so that’s the issue for me then. I don’t have tenant admin access, I am only given admin access to my own site collections. I guess I am out of luck then, unless you have any ideas? Like I still have a ton of stuff on classic DFFS I want to move to modern DFFS and it’s finally at the point where most of the key functionality I use is available in Modern, but I manage 15-20 site collections, so updates are a massive pain point for me. Probably nothing that can be done about that though.

            I did notice that one of my site collections is saying my modern license is expired on that site, so I will email you to check on that part.

          • #37742
            Alexander Bautz

              I see,
              the only way to install is to add it to either the tenant app catalog or the site collection app catalog. There is unfortunately no other option that I know of.

              You can probably use PowerShell to install it, but I haven’t tested that myself so you must look at the PnP PowerShell documentation.


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