Remove Cascading Dropdown Config in DFFS Backend?

Forums Cascading dropdowns Remove Cascading Dropdown Config in DFFS Backend?

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  • Author
    • #14840
      Chris Diltz

      I’m trying to remove a cascading dropdown setup in the DFFS backend due to an issue I need to troubleshoot (will be a separate post) but when I remove all of the fields/parameters, I get an error message essentially telling me I cannot leave the target columns field blank. See attached image. How can I remove the cascading dropdown config from the form?

    • #14855

      There is a small link in the right bottom corner, just above the Cancel button.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Artaker.
    • #14861
      Chris Diltz

      I’m embarrassed that I missed that. Thanks for the quick response.

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