Reload vLookup query based on parent field change

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    • #12692

        I’m sorry if I’m overlooking the obvious here but I haven’t managed to find how to do this in the forum or user manual.

        I have a vLookup field configured to query the child list based on our CRM Number field. The CRM Number field is initially blank when the forms loads, but is auto-populated through the Cascading Dropdowns plugin. This fails to refresh the query. Any suggestions?

      • #12700
        Alexander Bautz

          To have vLookup refresh when you change the trigger field you must set up a DFFS rule that triggers on change of the “CRM Number field”, and calls a custom function.

          Add the function name “refresh_vLookupColumn” in the “Run these functions / trigger these rules” field of the “on change” rule in your trigger field, and add this to the Custom JS:

          function refresh_vLookupColumn(){

          Change “vLookupTest” to match your field name.

          Let me kow how this works out.

          • #12720

              Thanks, Alexander.

              I’ve added the function and rule, and the vLookup is refreshing, but the data pulled back is not updating with the new query (same data in vLookup for old value).

              I’ve checked to make sure “vLookupTest” was changed to our vLookup column internal name and there are no console errors.

          • #12757
            Alexander Bautz

              Does the table update if you manually click the circular arrow in the topleft corner of the vLookup table?

              If not, could you verify that you have v2.2.70 (July 10, 2016) of vLookup frontend?


              • #12761

                  It does not update when manually clicking the refresh icon in the vLookup table.

                  vLookup frontend v2.2.67

                  I’ll attempt to update the files later in the evening.

                  • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by avala. Reason: Adding image
                • #12765

                    Version info below.

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