Rebinding HTML tags to form fields

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    • #25946
      Taylor Scott

        Hi Alex! Is there a way to rebind HTML controls? For example, if I add an HTML section via the UI and use either {} or {{}} to surround a field in the form, it will bind to my field. However, if I dynamically load some HTML into a section, and I have a field e.g. {Status} in the HTML, it doesn’t bind. Do you have a function I can call to ‘rebind’?

        • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Taylor Scott.
      • #25950
        Alexander Bautz

          This is designed to be initiated on load, but you can make a similar function by using this in your custom HTML instead of the {{fin}} placeholder:

          <span class='live_value_placeholder_YOUR_FIELDINTERNAL_NAME'></span>

          Then add this to your Custom JS:

          var customUpdateliveObj = {};
          function customLiveUpdate(fin){
                  var placeholder = jQuery(".live_value_placeholder_" + fin);
                  if(placeholder.length > 0){
                      var firstPass = false;
                      if(customUpdateliveObj[fin] === undefined){
                          firstPass = true;
                          customUpdateliveObj[fin] = getFieldValue(fin);
                      var val = getFieldValue(fin);
                      if(val !== customUpdateliveObj[fin] || firstPass){
                          customUpdateliveObj[fin] = val;
                          jQuery(".live_value_placeholder_" + fin).text(val);

          Replace YOUR_FIELDINTERNAL_NAME with the FieldInternalName of the field you want to attach the listener to.

          Let me know how this works out.


        • #25972
          Taylor Scott

            This is pretty fantastic, and it works well. Any idea what sort of performance it would get if I filled up the object with a few dozen fields throughout the course of the form?

          • #25996
            Alexander Bautz

              I’m glad it worked. I didn’t realize that you would use it for that many fields – and even though I don’t think it should cause any major slowdown of the form – using a setInterval isn’t the most elegant solution.

              In the internal function I bind a change event to all fields and I have modified it so you can use it like this:

              var updateTimeout = {};
              function bindFieldUpdate(f) {
                  if (updateTimeout[f] === undefined) {
                      updateTimeout[f] = 0;
                  } else {
                      // Only bind once to each field
                  var update = function (f) {
                      jQspjs(".live_value_placeholder_" + f).html(spjs.utility.getFieldValue({ "fin": f, "delimiter": "; " }));
                  jQspjs("#dffs_" + f).find("select, input:radio, input:text:first, input:checkbox, .sp-peoplepicker-topLevel").on("change blur", function (e) {
                      updateTimeout[f] = setTimeout(function () {
                      }, 10);
              // Call it like this one time for each field you want to bind it to


            • #26012
              Taylor Scott

                This works great also, here’s how I’m using it:

                function customLiveUpdate(){
                	// to work correctly the binders must have the correct class and prefix of element id
                	// the id with the prefix must end in the fin
                	var binderClass = 'p3binderClass';
                	var prefix = 'p3binder_';
                	var f = '';
                //	var customUpdateliveObj = {};
                	var updateTimeout = {};
                	var eleId = '';
                	    $("span[class^='" + binderClass + "']").each(function(){
                				eleId = $(this).attr('Id');	
                				f = eleId.substring(prefix.length);	    	
                	function bindFieldUpdate (f) {
                	    if (updateTimeout[f] === undefined) {
                	        updateTimeout[f] = 0;
                			// Only bind once to each field
                		var update = function(f){
                			jQspjs("#" + prefix + f).html(spjs.utility.getFieldValue({ "fin": f, "delimiter": "; " }));
                	    jQspjs("#dffs_" + f).find("select, input:radio, input:text:first, input:checkbox, .sp-peoplepicker-topLevel")
                	    	.on("change blur", function(e) {
                	        	updateTimeout[f] = setTimeout(function () {
                	        	}, 10);

                ^ whenever I load a new html file into a placeholder (I swap them regularly) I call customLiveUpdate(). It seems to work well. It looks like I can call it as often as a I want and since I’m just using your existing binding all I’m doing is adding a timeout (and not duplicating right)? The only thing I’m unclear about is where the updateTimeout object lives in scope. Since it’s called and instantiated each time I call won’t it recreate and thus reset the timeout even if one existed?

              • #26021
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m glad it worked.

                  I placed the var updateTimeout = {}; outside of the bindFieldUpdate function to ensure it was not overwritten when you call the function multiple times using the same field internal name. I recommend that you move it outside of your customLiveUpdate function.


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