Question about modern DFFS and Lookup column functionality

Home Forums Modern DFFS Question about modern DFFS and Lookup column functionality

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    • #37817
      Travis Goodman

        I have modern DFFS installed in my site collection app catalog, but I don’t use it on all of my lists. I’ve noticed that on lists where I have a lookup column, if I click on the hyperlinked value in the lookup column it will try to open it in modal with modern DFFS, but if I don’t have a form created for that parent list in modern DFFS I get a “No configuration found” error.

        Is this expected behavior that modern DFFS will always try to open the modal window of a lookup column even if modern DFFS isn’t used in that list? Any way around it?

      • #37818
        Travis Goodman

          Also, I notice that if there is a special character in the single line of text field that is used for the lookup column, modern dffs will not try to pull up the modal at all. Like I won’t even get the “No configuration found” error.

          Example, I have an ampersand & in one of my single line of text fields in my parent list. In my child list I have that value set in the lookup column. If I then click on the hyperlinked lookup value, nothing happens.

        • #37819
          Travis Goodman

            This is on modern dffs version – it’s been like this always though, not a new bug or anything.

          • #37820
            Alexander Bautz

              Thanks for the detailed descriptions – I’ll get this fixed in the next version.


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