Problems with google charts appearing

Home Forums SPJS Charts for SharePoint Problems with google charts appearing

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    • #35900
      Phil Grant

        Has anyone experienced issues with Google charts not appearing on a page when first loaded and taking a couple of refreshes to appear, also sometimes I cannot get them to appear at all, if I click on page edit and then publish the charts appear.

        This is happening to the majority of users but not everybody.

        This happens in Edge and Chrome with SP 2019 modern pages with the Modern CEWP web part.


        • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Phil Grant.
      • #35903
        Alexander Bautz

          Not sure what could cause this issue, but you might find some clues if you hit F12 > Console and look for errors there when loading the page.


        • #35905

            I’ve had this problem before. I found that running any other scripts on the page have to be contained inside of the web part that has the chart. I think it’s a page timing issue.

          • #35906
            Phil Grant

              Alexander – I looked at F12 console but can’t really see anything that I can understand 🙁 my IT support say they cannot replicate the failure so cannot help.
              The only thing I can see that may be causing the issue is:
              Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined VM3407:1
              at Object.init (eval at <anonymous> (VCR-Home-Page.aspx:9:1), <anonymous>:1:103559)
              at eval (eval at <anonymous> (VCR-Home-Page.aspx:9:1), <anonymous>:1:197714)

              SteveE – Thanks, I tried removing the other scripts from the page but I still had the same issue

            • #35907
              Alexander Bautz

                Do you have multiple charts in the same page? – if so, you must only link to the SPJSCharts_loader.html file in one of them – preferably the one at the bottom of the page to ensure all other chart-placeholders are loaded before the chart are initiated.


              • #35918
                Phil Grant

                  Yes I do only link to the loader,html only once.

                  • #35921
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Can you email me (or anonymize and post here) some screenshots of the page in EditMode so I can see your web part configuration?


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