Print function in DFFS

Forums Classic DFFS Print function in DFFS

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    • #10192

      We’re excited to use the print and email from the DFFS form you recently introduced. During testing I noticed a lot of the CSS and vLookup column header styling does not transfer over. In vLookup tables with a lot of columns, the print out tends to get messy. Is this something we can configure? At minimum I’m looking to keep vLookup column headers looking a little more clean. I’ve attached some examples below.

      Bonus, when printing a form with a vLookup configure with folders, we have to remember to click on the folder icon to show all documents underneath for it to appear in the print out. Is there a way to automate this the folder is always “expanded?”

    • #10238
      Alexander Bautz

      I have done some small changes to the upcoming release related to some icons in the vLookup table was not rendering in the printout.

      My test printout does however look better than your example, and I wonder if you are using the correct (latest) version of teh js and css files for DFFS?


    • #10422

      Sorry I missed your reply. I have updated to the most current DFFS files and I do see improvement in the spacing between the vLookup headers and items.

      Can you clarify what will and will not show up in the print out? Much of the HTML formatting in headers, horizontal lines, etcetera will show in the print preview but not in the actual printout or PDF.

      You can compare the difference in the attachments below.

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by avala.
    • #10453
      Alexander Bautz

      If it shows in the print preview, I think this is a printer / browser issue. Do you see a “Print background and images” or equivalent checkbox in the print preview window?

      If not, try searching the web for something like this:


      • #10508

        That fixed it. Thanks, as always, for your help and going above and beyond. You deserve a few barrels of beer!

    • #10534
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m glad it worked.

      Best regards,

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