Prefill Values in Child in Multiple Values Lookup Column

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by DCH.
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    • #9495


        I’d like to use the “Prefill Values in Child” option when the child is a Lookup column that allows multiple values. Is that possible? I’ve tried several configurations but none have worked.

        And, if it can work, would it be possible to automatically push the values over to the right side box?


      • #9517
        Alexander Bautz

          This should be fixed in the latest versions of spjs-utility:

          This is the changes

          spjs-utilty.js v1.256:
          When using vLookup to create a child list item from DispForm of the parent, it was not possilble to bring the value from a multichoice lookup column over to the child list item.

          Can you test to see if this helps?


        • #9521

            I did not have that version of spjs-utility but do now. It doesn’t appear to be working but I’m going to play with the setup a little more. Here is what I have currently:

            Parent List
            spjs-utility v1.256
            DFFS Backend v4.262
            DFFS Frontend v4.274
            vLookup Backend v2.203
            vLookup Frontend v2.209

            Child List
            spjs-utility v1.256
            DFFS Backend v4.262
            DFFS Frontend v4.274
            vLookup Backend v2.203
            vLookup Receiver

          • #9557
            Alexander Bautz

              Are you trying to add this from NewForm, DispForm or EditForm? – the method used to set it is different for each form.

              Also, are you opening the child item in a dialog or in the same “window” as the parent?


            • #9584

                I am opening the child item NewForm from a parent item EditForm, so the value is already present in the parent item title column.

                I tried both ways, opening in a dialog and in the same window. It didn’t work for either method.

                I did notice that the focus is not on the first value in the child NewForm lookup column like it is on similar columns where I don’t pass a value, so something is happening.

              • #9596
                Alexander Bautz

                  If the lookup in the child is supposed to point back to the parent, you should use the ID to fill the lookup. Add “ID” in the “From” field, and the lookup column fieldinternalname in the “To” field in the add child settings in vLookup.


                • #9598

                    Genius! Thank you.

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