Hi Alex,
I’ve built out a dashboard that opens a variety of parent and child forms in different lists. When I open my parent forms in dialog from my dashboard, I want to be able to pass back an object when I save. Is there a way to do this using
Please note: I know I can get my values back by filling up an object and passing it to the function below, but this doesn’t save the item, it just closes the dialog and forces the result === 1.
SP.UI.ModalDialog.commonModalDialogClose(SP.UI.DialogResult.OK, obj)
In the example above ‘obj’ is the object I want to pass to the trigger save that works in the same way, but instead of just closing… saving. I can’t seem to figure out how to pass my object back on save. I know that when my dialog closes if the result === 1 then it saved, but unless I pass my object back with the save function I have no return values.
Any ideas?