Pass current Parent field value to child Edit Form

Forums vLooup for SharePoint Pass current Parent field value to child Edit Form

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  • Author
    • #35567
      Jonathan Stamper

      From the topic, is it possible to take current AC results and if updated, data pass them to the child in edit form? I know it can be done via callback in new form but also looking to do it in edit form.

      I have one multi-select autocomplete field on the parent form. When populated, the results make up a multiselect options field on the child form. If a user edits the parent, adds a new value in the autocomplete field, I’d like for them to be able to edit an existing child and see the newly added value, from the autocomplete, as an option.

    • #35570
      Jonathan Stamper

      I managed to pass the parent value over using the sessionStorage.setItem and .getItem. That appears to work for now unless there is a better way out there.

    • #35619
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry for not replying – the email notification on my site broke after an update and I didn’t catch your question.

      I think the solution you have already figured out is OK. You should probably use sessionStorage.removeItem to clear the value when you are done setting it to avoid any other child items inheriting the value if you edit another in the same session.


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