Outside E-mail

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    • #13940

        Hi Alex,

        Could you provide some more information around this statement: “Please note that SP 2013 cannot send to E-Mail addresses outside your organization unless you check the “Use Workflow E-Mail”.”

        What is considered “Outside”? Are there any tweaks on the SharePoint Administration side that could make it possible?

        • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Colin.
      • #13952
        Alexander Bautz

          As far as I know, only emails within the domain that SharePoint is “installed” on will work in the “to” field.

          This only affects the “REST Email method”, and you can overcome it by setting up the DFFS_Email list with a workflow to send the email.


        • #14010

            Thanks for the additional information Alexander!

            My team and I are trying to avoid using workflows where possible. The REST approach has been working well for us in 98% of cases but we came across a few users where e-mails were not going through. However, e-mails generated from SharePoint alerts, permission grants, and powershell were going through without issue . We eventually discovered this SE post (http://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/167348/sp-utilities-utility-sendemail-to-must-be-different-format-for-some-users) which found the resolution to be passing the users LoginName with an extra \ added to it (ex. i:0#.w|domain\\username). We have tested this and found it to resolve the issue.

            Would it be possible to update DFFS to use the LoginName from the PeoplePicker Values or provide an option for the user to choose this?

          • #14050
            Alexander Bautz

              Does the affected users by any chance have a use name starting with the letter “n”?


            • #14058

                They do not, but you do have me curious as to what bug that may cause? 🙂

                Of the users that were not getting e-mails we have been able to identify one of two or more causes. A subset of that subset of users have multiple Active Directory accounts with the same e-mail assigned to both. We believe this causes an issue on the SharePoint Server side when validating the user as it receives multiple accounts when expecting one, and gives up there. We are still looking to understand what the root is for the rest of the users but the solution I mentioned in my last comment does solve the problem for all users, as well as works as expected for the users that worked using only email. Seeing the REST Email API provided with SharePoint is documented to accept a UserID in the To/From/CC variable would it be better to use that at all times given it is unique where e-mail may not be?

              • #14112
                Alexander Bautz

                  The reason for asking if the user name started with “n” was because I have seen this in a different scenario where a script interpreted a user name like this:


                  to be


                  I’ll look into using full login name or if possible user id and get back to you.


                • #14116

                    Makes sense. Maybe there is relation to that then for some of the affected users… Within our group of affected users, the users with two user accounts (matching e-mails in both) have one account that starts with “n” and another that does not. We want to send the e-mail to the account that does NOT start with “n”. I wonder if the “n” in the other account is creating conflict somehow.

                    We still have the rest of the affected users, without two accounts and without an “n” start where using LoginName resolved the no send issue. That leads me to believe the “n” isn’t the only cause but may be one to explore as well.

                    Thank you for your ongoing support,

                  • #14141
                    Alexander Bautz

                      I have tested this and finds that using the login name works well, but using the user ID will not.

                      I’ll change the code to use the login name in the next release. Hopefully I’ll be able to get this release out during this week / next weekend.

                      Best regards,

                    • #14160

                        Great! Thank you Alexander.

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