Ordering x axis categories in Column chart

Home Forums SPJS Charts for SharePoint Ordering x axis categories in Column chart

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    • #15375
      Phil Grant

        Does anyone know if it’s possible to manually configure the order of the x axis categories?
        I have the x axis values as a string but I want to pre-define the order and not have them alphabetically sorted, ie.

        [option1, option4, option2, option5, option3]


        • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Phil Grant.
      • #15452
        Alexander Bautz

          Yes, you must use the “Substitute string values in datatable” in the “Group, sort and substitute” tab. Basically you need to for example prefix the options with a number (or A, B, C, …) in the order you want then presented. This will then sort them alphabetically in the new order.

          More info here: https://spjsblog.com/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint/spjs-charts-for-sharepoint-user-manual/#Substitute_string_values_in_datatable


        • #15456
          Phil Grant

            Thanks but I assume this is for version 6.1, I’m using version 3.4 although I’m trying to get version 6 up and running and hope to change to version 6.

          • #15479
            Alexander Bautz

              OK, in this case you must add a calculated column to your list where you add a prefix to the options to have them sorted alphabetically.

              I’ll look into the IE issue and hope to find a workaround for the “IE8 document mode” incompatibility.


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