OrderBy doesn't work in Lookup

Forums SPJS-Lookup OrderBy doesn't work in Lookup

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    • #23766
      Peter Giesselink

      I’m using a lookup controlled by a choice field.
      The orderBy clause of the lookup function does not show the expected behavior.

      “fieldToConvertToDropdown”: [
      “listName”: “Voertuig type”,
      “optTextFieldInternalName”: “Title”,
      “pipeDelimitedOptions”: “false”,
      “optValFieldInternalName”: “ID”,
      “orderBy”: {
      “fin”: “Volgno”, // “Volgno” is an additional field in ‘Listname’ for sorting the records in ‘Listname’. Titles are unique in the list ‘Listname’ and carry digits inside the text which causes a unwanted sorting order.
      “ascending”: true
      “clearInvalidSelections”: true,
      “filterObj”: {
      “on”: true,
      “folder”: “”,
      “CAML”: null,
      “fin”: “Merk”, / Choice column
      “isLookup”: false, // or true: doesn’t matter
      “operator”: “Eq”,
      “filterVal”: getFieldValue(“Merk”) // get selected value from the choice column ‘Merk’

      Can anyone give a clue what is going wrong here?

    • #23775
      Alexander Bautz

      Take a look at the customSort option: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-plugins/spjs-lookup/#customSort


      • #23778
        Peter Giesselink

        It works fine, Thanks.

        But now I don’t understand the function of the orderBy clause. What is it suppose to do?

    • #23780
      Alexander Bautz

      The “orderBy” option is used to alphabetically sort the options, but if you want to override this default sort method and write your own custom sort function you can supply it in the new “custsomSort” option.


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