I’m using a lookup controlled by a choice field.
The orderBy clause of the lookup function does not show the expected behavior.
“fieldToConvertToDropdown”: [
“listName”: “Voertuig type”,
“optTextFieldInternalName”: “Title”,
“pipeDelimitedOptions”: “false”,
“optValFieldInternalName”: “ID”,
“orderBy”: {
“fin”: “Volgno”, // “Volgno” is an additional field in ‘Listname’ for sorting the records in ‘Listname’. Titles are unique in the list ‘Listname’ and carry digits inside the text which causes a unwanted sorting order.
“ascending”: true
“clearInvalidSelections”: true,
“filterObj”: {
“on”: true,
“folder”: “”,
“CAML”: null,
“fin”: “Merk”, / Choice column
“isLookup”: false, // or true: doesn’t matter
“operator”: “Eq”,
“filterVal”: getFieldValue(“Merk”) // get selected value from the choice column ‘Merk’
Can anyone give a clue what is going wrong here?