Only start search in autocomplete after x number of chars ?

Forums Autocomplete Only start search in autocomplete after x number of chars ?

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    • #14322

      If the list autocomplete is connected to has a lot of items the search should perhaps only trigger after perhaps 3 chars typed.
      Ref. standard SP people picker, starts search after 3 chars typed in the field

      Is there some hidden params for this in autocomplete ? Or a possible new feature, which is perhaps easy to implement ?

      Alternative is probably use a JS function with onkeyup “listener” tied to the AC field, and call if stringlength>=3 , but a built-in solution would be better for later maintenance.

      Another idea for a new feature in Autocomplete would be to have the possibility to search in a specific field, but display values from another field in the display area/dropdown)

      Use case: search in title field (companyname), but display a field that contains combined value of companyname and other field values (string values) from the item to better identify the correct choice for the end user (eg companytype/ geograhic location /registered main contact for company etc.)

      “showField”:”Title”, //regular
      showExtInfoField : “AnotherField”; //new param
      DisplayExtInfoField: True ; //new param, true = show/display text from showExtInfoField instead of showfield


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Moved to correct forum
    • #14324

      Sorry, wrong forum, should be in autocomplete.

    • #14341
      Alexander Bautz

      I’ll add a default setting of string length of 3 character before starting the seach, and add an option to override it in each “config”. I’ll look into the display value format – this is a good idea and will ease the selection of the right item.

      I’ll try to get this out soon.

      PS: I’ll move this question into the correct forum.


    • #14395

      Hi again

      Thanks for adding my suggestions to Autocomplete, and thanks for your support and help.

      I tried my idea about *onkeyup “listener” tied to the AC field, and call if stringlength>=3 ‘, but that didn’t work well – probably related to autocomplete “taking over” the field when it kicked in (lost focus, or AC didn’t work properly).

      Also tried to make some changes in the SPJS-ac.js, but ran into issues with the browser not picking up changes. Seems like the browser cached like crazy, and kept using the original js file ,Ctrl+F5 didn’t help.. Had to manually delete all the files in the browser cache, and then reload to get the browser to use the updated content.
      Perhaps related to doc.library revision number of the file (noticed in Chrome that the file had a content source reference “?rev=number” param), or perhaps date/timestamp issues. Annoying and timeconsuming.

      With those issues and combined with my limited JS skills I called it a day.

      FYI. It seems like the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” don’t work properly. I didn’t receive any mail after your reply on monday; I just checked the forums “on my own” this evening.


    • #14518
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m getting my email notifications (even though I need some time to respond…) – could it be that the messages have been marked as SPAM?

      Regarding cashing – I have already added the version number to to all files in the new “DFFS loader” version, but the version number is set in the “loader”, and it will not update the file if you only add a new version of a plugin.

      You will find an option to clear browser cache in the “Network” tab in the developer tool (hit F12 > Network).


    • #14532

      Hi again

      Got the mail notification on your last reply, thanks. Nothing in SPAM though. Probably an issue on my side, I’ve missed a couple of mails lately (totally random, so it’s hard to track down).


    • #14601

      Hi again

      Updated to DFFS v4.4.2.2 and AC 1.4.12.

      For autocomplete field attribute “optionDetailFields” works fine, and also attribute “minLengthBeforeSearch”.

      Thanks and merry Christmas.

    • #14621
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for the feedback and merry Christmas to you also.


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