Multi-cascading issues with large lookup list

Home Forums Cascading dropdowns Multi-cascading issues with large lookup list

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    • #29489
      Karen Flaxer

        Hi Alexander,
        I have an issue with multi-cascading fields after loading 15K items to the lookup list. Example:
        Lookup list fields A,B,C,D,E,F, G and H. Each tab uses the first two columns in the lookup list (A and B):
        -Tab 1:users choose A, B, C, D.
        -Tab 2: users choose A1, B1, E, F
        -Tab 3: users choose A2, B2, G, H
        I have ‘shadow fields’ for the second, third cascades.

        After adding the 15K items to list, “Tab 1” loads correctly with 16 “Available Options” in A -BUT- “Tab 2” and “Tab 3” only have 6 “Available Options”.

        Rather than creating multiple lookup lists with the same values and changing the cascading sections, any ideas, tips, or tricks on how I can accomplish this to have it all read/feed with the same lookup list?

        The list is indexed and it worked fine before I added the 15K items!

        Please let me know.

        Thank you,

      • #29491
        Alexander Bautz

          Which version of DFFS and cascading dropdowns are you using? – also, please post a screehshot of the config for the casc.


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