Modern DFFS not loading

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    • #37955
      Alexander Bautz

        There is an issue related to the new modern list view UI that Microsoft is introducing. This new UI does not currently support the technology used to build solutions like the Modern DFFS (ListView Command Set extension). Until it does, if solutions like the Modern DFFS is active in the list, it should force the list to remain in the “old modern list view UI”.

        There is however some issues that sometimes make solutions like the Modern DFFS not load, or the list view to shift over to the “new modern UI” (not showing the banner buttons and not loading the solution).

        Until Microsoft adds support for list view commend set solutions in the new modern UI, you can work around this issue by stopping sync on the list in Microsoft Lists.

        Click the waffle icon in the top left corner of your SharePoint site, select Lists and when you find your list, click the … link and then click Stop syncing.


      • #37966
        Travis Goodman

          Hey Alexander, I’m ramping up my development with modern DFFS and I’ll have a list of requests to send your way knowing they are probably on your to-do list anyway.

          I want to ask something related to this, are there any plans (or is it even possible?) that we can instruct our DFFS installation on what lists we want DFFS to appear in the list menu for? That way for lists where we do not plan to implement DFFS, we can take advantage of the new list UI without having it disabled?

          Alternatively, if there are plans to make DFFS play nice with the new UI, then this is moot.


          • #37967
            Alexander Bautz

              The problem with the new UI is entirely up to Microsoft to fix. They have not added support for field or list customizers in the new IU yet, and they have therefore disable it for all lists where a field or list customizer is present.

              Microsoft are working on it, and when they are ready I’ll make any changes necessary to make the Modern DFFS work in the new UI.

              When that is said, there is no way to only activate the modern DFFS in some lists.

              Just send me your requests by email and please include some business cases that I can prepare for a future demonstration.


          • #38031
            Travis Goodman

              It appears Microsoft has pushed another update, and now DFFS won’t load at all for modern. What’s even worse is the workaround you gave, I followed it, but there is no “stop syncing” on the list this is occurring on. Only options I have are Settings, Share, and Remove from recent lists.

            • #38032
              Travis Goodman

                The newest modern list UI stays on the list view, it does not revert back to the original modern ui. When I click the … menu of an item, I get this console error:

                TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘querySelector’)
                at p (dffs-command-set_baa…ff82b7.js:2:3215935)
                at dffs-command-set_baa…ff82b7.js:2:3217483
                at HTMLBodyElement.<anonymous> (dffs-command-set_baa…ff82b7.js:2:3210293)
                p @ dffs-command-set_baa…afc9128cff82b7.js:2
                (anonymous) @ dffs-command-set_baa…afc9128cff82b7.js:2
                (anonymous) @ dffs-command-set_baa…afc9128cff82b7.js:2

                I do have a workaround right now where if you click the checkbox next to the title of the item on the far left, you will then get the Edit button in the list navbar, and when you click the edit button there, you can view your item with Modern DFFS.

                That’s all I have for right now, I will follow up as soon as I get more information.

              • #38033
                Travis Goodman

                  I get the exact same console error if I click on the Title as well, not just the … menu

                • #38034
                  Travis Goodman

                    Found another interesting workaround. If I double or triple click the title rapidly (within less than 1 second) the form pops up. The console still throws the error I sent above, but it does load the form if I click the title a few times rapidly. This is bizarre.

                  • #38035
                    Travis Goodman

                      Alexander, attached you will find the console log file.

                    • #38036
                      Alexander Bautz

                        Thanks for letting me know. Now that the new UI is rolled out and the command set extension can be properly tested, there are some changes I need to do to make it properly override the out of the box form.

                        Right click > Edit still works, but click on title and … does not.

                        I’ll look through it and try to get it fixed later today or tomorrow and release a new version.


                      • #38037
                        Travis Goodman

                          Thanks, and posting this message to test if I have posting privileges back. The site marked me for spam when I tried to add the log attachment lol.

                        • #38042
                          Alexander Bautz

                            I have released a new version of the Modern DFFS that should fix the problem with the new Modern UI that Microsoft have pushed on September 4, 2024.

                            Read more here:

                            Please let me know how it works out – and let me know if you have any questions.

                            Best regards,

                          • #38043
                            Wayne Thompson

                              Hi Alexander! 🙂

                              Thanks so much for the new version of the Modern DFFS that fixes the problem with the new Modern UI that Microsoft have pushed on September 4, 2024.

                              The Title linked to item now works but the “New” button in the Microsoft List UI does not override the out of the box form with the Modern DFFS solution.


                              • #38044
                                Alexander Bautz

                                  Hi Wayne,
                                  I’m not able to recreate this issue. I have tried both with “single action” button and “double action” where you get a dropdown to select item or folder.

                                  Can you give me some more information (and possibly a screenshot)?

                                  Best regards,

                                • #38045
                                  Wayne Thompson

                                    The Title linked to item now works but the “New” button in the Microsoft List UI does not override the out of the box form with the Modern DFFS solution at least in my existing lists in my environment. See attached screenshot.


                                  • #38049
                                    Alexander Bautz

                                      It looks like the “new item” button is different when you have the “Settings > Advance settings > Allow management of content types” turned on.

                                      I’ll look into it and fix it. If you don’t actually use content types you can turn it off to fix the problem.


                                  • #38047
                                    Wayne Thompson

                                      Sometimes the Title linked to item DOES work in any EXISTING list.
                                      Sometimes the Title linked to item does NOT work in any EXISTING list.
                                      Sometimes The “New” button in the Microsoft List UI does NOT work in any EXISTING list.
                                      Sometimes The “New” button in the Microsoft List UI does WORK in any EXISTING list.

                                      The Title linked to item does “NOT” work in any NEW list I create.
                                      The “New” button in the Microsoft List UI “DOES” work in any NEW lists I create.

                                      See attached screenshot.


                                      • #38050
                                        Alexander Bautz

                                          Are you sure you have DispForm configured with DFFS for the list? – the title-click only opens DFFS if DFFS is configured.

                                          Please note that it looks like the “Sync” feature must still be turned OFF for the command-set-extension to load – read more here.


                                          • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Fixed link
                                      • #38058
                                        Wayne Thompson

                                          Thanks Alexander! 🙂

                                          I did forget to configure the DispForm with DFFS for the New List.

                                          So NEW lists look to be okay!

                                          I am still faced with this error as originally reported in my environment:

                                          The “New” button in the Microsoft List UI does NOT work in any EXISTING list.

                                          Thanks for your patience.

                                        • #38059
                                          Alexander Bautz

                                            No problem,
                                            I’ll fix the issue related to lists with content types turned on later tonight. If you only use the Item content type in your list you can turn it off under “List settings > Advance settings > Allow management of content types”.


                                            • #38060
                                              Wayne Thompson

                                                Bingo, master developer! 🙂

                                                The issue is addressed if I turn off “Allow management of content types”.

                                                As always thanks again for addressing every scenario we bring to you.


                                            • #38061
                                              Travis Goodman

                                                I have a totally different problem. I have deployed v1.0.66 and now DFFS isn’t showing up at all. New, Edit, Display, doesn’t matter. DFFS button doesn’t even show in the list menu bar anymore either. I’m going to have to revert back.

                                              • #38062
                                                Travis Goodman

                                                  I reverted back to v1.0.64 which is the last version I had installed. That put DFFS back on the list menu and restored my form. This is on a production site, so I couldn’t afford to leave it on and troubleshoot. I will try and find a low traffic site I can put it on and see if I can help find the issue.

                                                  • #38063
                                                    Alexander Bautz

                                                      Not sure what that could be. Did you see any errors in the developer tools (F12 > Console)?

                                                      Also, does your list load with the “New modern UI” or the “Old modern UI”?

                                                      Did you try turning off “Sync” as described in the first post in this thread?

                                                      You can email me any screenshots or other information.


                                                  • #38064
                                                    Travis Goodman

                                                      I’ll try to install the updated version tonight when no one is working in the list and see if I can identify any specific errors. You mention turning off sync, but what’s interesting is that’s not an option on this list. There are other lists where it is, and I have turned it off, but not on this one in particular. This isn’t the only list like that either, there are others where sync is not listed. It was still loading with new modern UI when I updated DFFS, it was not reverting back to old modern UI. Ideally getting them to co-exist would be great!

                                                      • #38065
                                                        Alexander Bautz

                                                          I found an article online (an old one from 2022 – link) mentioning that different “complex” field types like lookups or managed metadata will stop syncing of that list. Microsoft has most likely changed the functionality since that article, but I assume it might be something like that preventing you from finding the “stop syncing” option.


                                                        • #38066
                                                          Travis Goodman

                                                            That tracks, I do have both lookup and managed metadata fields in this list.

                                                        • #38067
                                                          Amal Vellappillil

                                                            I am having similar (but may be different) issue. I am using v1.0.66.0.
                                                            I had exported configuration for a list from our on-premise SharePoint to SharePoint online list. I imported settings for view and edit, both imported fine and the form loads when clicked I try to view or edit a record. However, I am unable to go back into the configuration for these forms anymore. I see there are some errors in the dev console. I have attached a screenshot here.

                                                            So instead of importing the configuration for “New” form, I just created one default one. The form loads and I am able to go back and edit the configuration for “New” form as well.

                                                            It feels like the import may have brought in some old code that is messing with the way Modern DFFS works. The exported configuration had custom js and custom css in it.

                                                            Is there a way to remove configuration from a particular list form? I was unable to find that information as well.

                                                          • #38069
                                                            Alexander Bautz

                                                              There is most likely a compatibility issue with the old config. If you could email me the form configuration for the form that is not working that would help me identifying the problem.

                                                              You can find the config by opening this list (it is hidden from site contents so you must type in the URL):


                                                              Send me both the FormJSON and the RulesJSON.

                                                              You can find my email address in the Contact tab at the top of the page.


                                                            • #38070
                                                              Amal Vellappillil

                                                                Email with attachments have been sent.

                                                              • #38101
                                                                Amal Vellappillil

                                                                  Any update on this?

                                                                  • #38102
                                                                    Alexander Bautz

                                                                      Sorry, forgot to update you on the new version. I published it on September 15 – Link

                                                                      If you subscribe to my site or the forum you will get notification when I publish a new version.

                                                                      Please test and let me know if it fixes the problem.

                                                                      Best regards,

                                                                  • #38135
                                                                    Amal Vellappillil

                                                                      Hi Alex,
                                                                      I noticed that the DFFS button shows up when I do a hard refresh of the browser. However, when I do a normal refresh, the button goes away and none of the forms worked (i expected this because i didnt see the DFFS button). I tried the work around you mentioned to turn off the sync, but I could not find where to turn it off. I went to Microsoft Lists, but didnt see where to turn the sync off. Can you advise?

                                                                      • #38137
                                                                        Alexander Bautz

                                                                          According to the feedback in this github issue the bug is confirmed and the status is set to “rolling in production”, but I’m not sure when it will be actually rolled out.


                                                                      • #38141
                                                                        Amal Vellappillil

                                                                          As of now, even CTRL + F5 or CTRL + SHFT + R does not load DFFS command button. Cant do anything.

                                                                          • #38142
                                                                            Alexander Bautz

                                                                              Can you email me some screenshots of the page with F12 > Console open when you load the page?


                                                                            • #38143
                                                                              Amal Vellappillil

                                                                                Email sent.

                                                                            • #38144
                                                                              Alexander Bautz

                                                                                It seems like Microsoft has again rolled out a new update to the List View UI that breaks Command Set Extension solutions (like the Modern DFFS). I have filed two bug reports with Microsoft related to the latest rollout and hope they respond quickly to fix the issues.

                                                                                You can track any updated from Microsoft on the issues here:

                                                                                Sorry for the inconvenience.

                                                                                Best regards,

                                                                              • #38170
                                                                                Michal Riha

                                                                                  Hi, issue still persists (v1.0.70.0) – new modern UI has been suddenly applied and list is not showing the DFFS banner buttons and the DFFS solution is not loading. Any news?

                                                                                  • #38171
                                                                                    Alexander Bautz

                                                                                      I thought all issues were resolved, but when I do a test now it seems the DFFS banner button only shows when you reload the page and not when you navigate using the left side menu (quick launch) between lists.

                                                                                      In my case, the command-set extension is still active and working, but the DFFS banner button is not showing unless you reload the page.

                                                                                      I’ll investigate, but in the meantime can you check if there are any errors in the developer console (F12 > Console) when you load the page, and if the banner button shows if you reload the page?

                                                                                      You can email me any screenshots if you like.


                                                                                    • #38180
                                                                                      Michal Riha

                                                                                        Found this fix:
                                                                                        1. Removed ModernDFFS from subsite (on which is placed a list with ModernDFFS)
                                                                                        2. Emptied both stages of recycle bin
                                                                                        3. Removed ModernDFFS from sitecollection’s app catalog
                                                                                        4. Emptied both stages of recycle bin
                                                                                        3. Installed the ModernDFFS package (v70) in app catalog with “Make this solution available to all sites in the organization” checkbox checked.
                                                                                        4. Clear site data in browser (Edge – F12 – Apps – Clear site data) + hard refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R)
                                                                                        And now – pure magic- my broken ModernDFFS list is now not showing with modern list look (view switcher rendered vertically) and DFFS is loading and working now.
                                                                                        I don’t understand why, but it works.

                                                                                    • #38172
                                                                                      Amal Vellappillil

                                                                                        For me things started working 90% of the time by changing the “Offline Client Availability” setting to “No” in SharePoint list “Advanced Settings”. Attached is a screenshot of the setting. Hope it helps others.

                                                                                        • #38174
                                                                                          Michal Riha

                                                                                            This setting can probably prevent the new version of lists from being rolled from Microsoft, but once the new version is already rolled, the switch has no effect.

                                                                                          • #38175
                                                                                            Amal Vellappillil

                                                                                              I feel like we already got the new UI rolled out. That is when DFFS button wouldnt load for us unless we do a hard refresh. But after changing this setting, everything started to work. So its may be a YMMV.

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