Hi Alexander,
Just downloaded v4.4.3.64 and have issues after upgrading all in the root DFFS folder.
All forms: “Slow Network Detected”. Then the form errors out.
I revert back to v4.4.3.64 (what the site in question is currently on) and I have no issues.
I notice a huge version jump in the jQuery file being used (in DFFS > Plugins).
v4.4.3.64 using jQuery v1.12.4
Larest DFFS_v4.4.5.49_2023-10-25 using jQuery v3.6.3
I’ve also just tried your latest DFFS on a couple other sites that have the “older” jQuery of 1.12.4 and all sites throw a “slow network detected” and then error out.
With that, we’ve not been able to upgrade past your DFFS_v4.4.5.43_2022-03-27 file.