Invalid Populated Field In Child

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    • #35863

      Hi Alexander,

      Many times when populating fields in the child form, I make them read-only so they match the parent. The issue I’ve run into is that if it populates a field such as people picker and that user no longer exists, it won’t allow the user to save the child. There’s no indication as to why – it just bumps up to the top of the form. When I troubleshoot, I release the read-only rule to find that the people picker will rightfully not accept the now invalid user.

      I’m wondering if there is a way to show the user the indicator that the populated (and read-only) field cannot be validated. Or any other suggestions you may have. Thanks for your time!

    • #35864
      Alexander Bautz

      You can add this to your custom js to make a field editable when a validation error exists:

          jQuery(".ms-formvalidation").each(function(i, elm){
              var tr = jQuery(elm).parents("tr:first");
              var fin = tr.attr("id").split("dffs_")[1];
              var isReadonly = tr.hasClass("dffs-readonly");
              if(fin !== undefined && isReadonly){

      Let me know how this works out.


      • #35865

        That works! Awesome as always!

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