Few things I observe:
{var:xxx} – doesn’t work
{{var:xxx}} – works. Same with field name
spjs.dffs.getFieldValue(xxx) – doesn’t work
getFieldValue(xxx) – works
getFieldValue(“ContentType”) – returns empty in custom JS fired after form loaded
Rule with ContentType works
{var:xxx} only works if the variable is available when the form is rendered.
{{var:xxx}} will change when the variable changes and works also when the variable is not available on load.
spjs.dffs.getFieldValue needs this format: spjs.dffs.getFieldValue({“fin”:”FieldInternalName”});
getFieldValue(“ContentTypeChoice”); can be used in EditForm. NewForm does not have the content type choice field and DispForm does not reveal it either, but it can be retrieved with som custom js.
To show the content type in a heading / HTML section in EditForm you must use {ContentTypeChoice}.
Thx Alex, ContentTypeChoice works great! BTW, the field not included into DFFS Fields TAB wheras ContentType is.
{var:xxx} doesn’t work for me though. I have var xxx; defined in Custom JS globally. The value is assigned within a function called by Rule triggered “Form is Ready”