Inconsistant result of Member of Group Rule…

Forums Classic DFFS Inconsistant result of Member of Group Rule…

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    • #30335


      I am troubleshooting an issue with a symptom that a Visible/Hidden Rule based on Group Membership stops working when a different tab is selected in form.

      • I have a form with three tabs. The field, ContractualPayment, is placed on each of the three tabs.
      • I have two rules defined to hide or reveal a single field based on membership of a group. These rules are defined as:
      • New rule (1) – ESMRole
      • Note to self – This group can edit ContractualPayment field.
      • If this trigger – Group membership: Logged in user is a member of group
      • This value – TransactionPipeline-ESM Role
      • Override rule reversing – No reversing of this rule
      • Visible fields – ContractualPayment
      • New rule (2) – NotESMRole
      • Note to self – This group can not edit ContractualPayment field.
      • If this trigger – Group membership: Logged in user is NOT member of group
      • This value – TransactionPipeline-ESM Role
      • Override rule reversing – No reversing of this rule
      • Hidden fields – ContractualPayment

      Symptom: This symptom is evident on each of the three forms, NewForm, EditForm, and DisplayForm.

      1. Open a form.
      2. If not a Member of specified group, the field is hidden.
      3. Click on a different Tab – the field is revealed!

      Debug of these two rules (see attached screen-cap) shows that the rules are not involked by changing the selected Tab, however, the “hide field” stops working.

      Here’s what I’ve tested so far (each iteration with no change to DFFS configuration):
      DFFS versions:

      • v4.4.4.32_2020-05-10 – FAILED
      • v4.4.4.31_2020-04-15 – FAILED
      • v4.4.4.30_2020-04-07 – FAILED
      • v4.4.4.28_2020-03-27 – FAILED
      • v4.4.4.27_2020-03-21 – FAILED
      • v4.4.4.23_2020-02-13 – SUCCESS!

      So, the symptom is not evident when I set to v4.4.4.23_2020-02-13.

      What can I do to get this to work predictably?

      As always, your support and efforts are greatly appreciated!

      R’grds – Ben.
      Version information
      DFFS Loader: v2
      DFFS frontend: – May 10, 2020
      DFFS frontend CSS: 4.58 / 4.58
      Autocomplete: 1.6.48 – May 10, 2020
      Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.38 – May 10, 2020
      jQuery: 1.12.4
      Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
      Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
      SPJS-Utility: 1.345 – March 17, 2020
      vLookup: 2.2.152 – April 15, 2020

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by BenR.
    • #30342
      Alexander Bautz

      Thank you for the detailed description – I’ll look into it and get back to you.


    • #30344
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m not able to recreate this issue. Can you check to see if you have other rules interacting with the same field? If you use another rule to SHOW the field it will override the initial hiding of the field done by the “Group membership” rule.

      Also you don’t really need two rules to do this. The rule to hide the field is sufficient – if it is not hidden by a rule it will be visible when it is available in a tab. If you do it like this, set the rule up with the trigger “Group membership: Logged in user is NOT member of group” and then add the field to “Hidden fields”.


    • #30352


      Further investigation… I’ve found that the symptom occurs with my Tabs configuration with the target field (ContractualPayment) placed on all three of my Tabs. To illustrate, please see attachments – one shows the symptom occurring when Tabs are selected after initial form load, and the second shows the three Tabs configuration and placement of the target field.

      1. I’ve confirmed that no other rule addresses the target field
      2. I’ve removed the first rule, and now only the NOT Member of Group Rule, Hide Field with allowed reversing remains
      3. The symptom persists with v4.4.4.32_2020-05-10
      4. The symptom DOES NOT occur with v4.4.4.23_2020-02-13
      5. If I remove the target field from two of the three tabs (so it appears only on one Tab), the symptom DOES NOT occur

      So, a temporary work around is to remove the target field from two of the three tabs. However, I would not consider this a fix.
      As always, thank you for your support and efforts!
      R’grds – Ben.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by BenR.
    • #30357
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks again for your detailed descriptions – the screenshot led me to the source of the problem. It is related to side-by-side.

      I’ll get this fixed and hopefully release a new version during the weekend.


    • #30399


      v4.4.5.0_2020-06-01 has addressed this issue.

      Thank you so much for your support and efforts!

      R’grds – Ben.

    • #30404
      Alexander Bautz

      Thank you for the feedback!


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