IE Browser message \"This took forever!\"

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    • #11249
      Lara Salvador

        Hi , when I call the NewForm.aspx in a IE Browser, I keep getting the next message “This took forever!” Click to close this overlay. There is something that I’m missing? The form works fine in Chrome and Firefox.

      • #11282
        Alexander Bautz

          Could you try bringing up the developer console (hit F12 > Console) and see if there is any errors there?

          Does the overlay go away by itself if you wait a little longer? – if so, it’s just IE being slow processing the form. In this case you can try to optimize the rules, or change the overlay timeout to let it wait longer (edit the overlay code).


        • #11289
          Lara Salvador

            Hello Alex , the overlay doesn’t go away.

            This are the error that I get from the Console
            Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: 1461767628438 jquery.js, line 2 character 12725

            Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: 1461767703413 jquery.js, line 2 character 12725

            ‘undefined’ is null or not an object jquery.js, line 2 character 15708

            ‘undefined’ is null or not an object jquery.js, line 2 character 20314

          • #11308
            Alexander Bautz

              Which version of DFFS are you using?


            • #11310
              Lara Salvador

                THanks Alexander we are using
                Version information
                Autocomplete: 1.32
                Cascading dropdowns: 3.525
                DFFS frontend: 4.358
                DFFS frontend CSS: 4.11 /
                jQuery: 1.11.3
                Lookup: 1.11
                Resource management: 2.42
                SPJS-Utility: 1.253
                vLookup: frontend v2.253

              • #11312
                Alexander Bautz

                  Could you try updating to the latest version of DFFS? If I recall correctly this bug should have been fixed.

                • #11324
                  Lara Salvador

                    Thanks Alex , I have a doubt if I update to newest version all the actual form configuration are keeped?To update should I only replace the SPJS folder ?
                    Also I did a test ,and I found that when a add a vlookup_ Field it is when I receive the error ,if I keep the form free of vlookup fields I don’t get the error.

                  • #11337
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Your config will not be lost. All you need to do is to replace the files in the “/SPJS/DFFS” folder.


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