I can’t get cascaded dropdowns working

Forums Modern DFFS I can’t get cascaded dropdowns working

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  • Author
    • #36974
      Marcus Khoo

      Hi Alex,
      I have seen this working before but I can no longer get the “filter (advanced)” working anymore with cascaded dropdowns.

      Can you take a look please

    • #36975
      Marcus Khoo

      It used to work but seemed to get some issues a way back and I was getting throttling messages. Then I decided to remove that funtion to keep going with my project. I have just revisted it and it no longer gives me throttling messages but unfortunately the “child” lookup shows blank after selecting a value in the “parent”

    • #36976
      Alexander Bautz

      How many items do you have in the child lookup (the one you try to filter) and what is the filter you are using?


    • #36977
      Marcus Khoo

      Hi Alexander,


      My form defines a “mapping” between a source “property” and a destination “property”
      A property will belong to an “Entity”
      An Entity will belong to an “Adapter”

      My lists

      List 1 is called “Adapters”. There are 17 items in this list.

      List 2 is called “Entities”. It has a lookup column in it that looks up the Adatpers list and returns the “Title” of the adapter. There are 100 items in this list
      A custom JS on this second list concatenates the Entity Name and the Adapter iname
      into a text field called “EntityAdapter”

      List 3 is called “Properties”. It has a lookup column that looks up the “£ntities” list and pulls back the “EntityAdatper” field from the second list (i.e. NOT the Title). This list also has a column called “DataType” (just a choice column). There are 560 items in this list.
      A custom JS on the third list concatenates the DataType-Property-Entity-Adapter in single column

      List 4 is called “Mapping”.

      Column 1 (source entity/Adapter) is a lookup to “Entities” and allows me to pick an Entity-Adapter combination. It pulls back the column “EntityAdapter”

      Column 2 (source property) is the one I am trying to filer. It is a lookup to the “Properties” list and pulls back the DateType-Property-Enty-Adapter column. I need it to filter on the “EntityAdapter” column

      Column 3 (destination entity/adapter) is also a lookup to “Entities” and allows me to again pick an Entity-Adapter combination from the field “EntityAdapter” on the Entities list (i.e. I am not pulling the Title field).

      Column 4 (destination property) i ALSO need to filer but this one needs to filter on column 3. It is a lookup to the “Properties” list and pulls back DataType-Property-Entity-Adapter. I need it to filter on the value in Column 3

      Hope this makes sense
      Best regards

      • #36978
        Alexander Bautz

        Can you add (or email me) some screenshots of your configuration (the filter) you try to use?

        Are there no errors, just no options show in the field when the filter is applied?


    • #36979
      Marcus Khoo

      I’ll try to build a document for you over the weekend.

      No errors – just no options in the “child” field

      Best regards

    • #36980
      Alexander Bautz

      Can you just post the filter you are using so I can see if it might be wrong?

      Also specify what type the field you are filtering on and the type of the field you are pulling the filter value from.


    • #36993
      Wendi Watson

      Hello, I am using version and it seems that the cascading dropdowsn work but the option to autofill when there is only one option does not work.

    • #36994
      Wendi Watson

      Alexander, please let me know if you want any screenshots

      • #36997
        Alexander Bautz

        Hi Wendi,
        Thanks for reporting this issue – I don’t need any screenshots – I have confirmed this bug and will have it fixed in the next release.


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