Hyperlinking to tabs works inconsistently

Forums Classic DFFS Hyperlinking to tabs works inconsistently

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    • #27019

      Hi Alex,
      I have a DFFS form with multiple tabs on it and a Sharepoint workflow that when triggered, will email users asking them to click on a hyperlink and update some information. The hyperlink construction is “[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]/Lists/RRANEW/EditForm.aspx?ID=[%Current Item:ID%]&sTab=5”.

      It seems as though sometimes this works and other times it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, it always goes to the correct record, however, it lands on tab 0. I’ve tried using ‘tabindex’ instead of ‘sTab’ but same result.

      thank you…

    • #27021
      Alexander Bautz

      Using &sTab=5 is correct, but it might be interference from a rule (if you have rules that sets selected tab) or maybe the settings “Use cookie to remember selected tab” in the Misc tab.


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