Geo CHart and colorAxis – how to use?

Forums SPJS Charts for SharePoint Geo CHart and colorAxis – how to use?

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    • #16334
      Jon Whisman

      Hi – I’m using v4.14 to evaluate the chart functionality and am playing with the Geo Charts to render to US states map (resolution = provinces) that is connected to a simple list with 2 columns: “State” and “Contact” (name of person to contact for that state).

      Currently, the states with data (only 3 states so far for my testing), have the background color of green, but I’d like to either assign each state a specific background color, or have random colors like what the colorAxis provides.

      I’m having difficulty setting up the colorAxis. What I have is attached, should I do something else to color code my states, or is my syntax for colorAxis wrong here?

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jon Whisman.
    • #16346
      Alexander Bautz

      I haven’t tested this, but the format should be like this:


      Let me know how this works out.


    • #16348
      Jon Whisman

      Thanks for the quick reply – no change. Still shows the same when using {“colors”:[“blue”,”gray”,”red”]}

    • #16350
      Alexander Bautz

      I did a test here with v6 of the chart solution and got it working – see attached images.

      You should update to the latest version of SPJS Charts as I’m not 100% sure this will work in v4 – let me know if you need a trial license.

      PS: The state name is in the “Title” column in the data source list.


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