My list item has a [ProjectID] field. I want to lookup into another list that also has a [ProjectID] field and filter the lookup on that field but what I have is returning an empty list. Here is my custom JS.
"fieldToConvertToDropdown": [
"listName": "{D8EC3282-5627-4637-99A5-70844CD0D590}",
"listBaseUrl": "/development/pmpoc3",
"optTextFieldInternalName": "Title",
"pipeDelimitedOptions": "false",
"optValFieldInternalName": "ID",
"orderBy": {
"fin": "Title",
"ascending": true
"clearInvalidSelections": true,
"filterObj": {
"on": true,
"folder": "",
"CAML": null,
"fin": "Project_x0020_ID",
"isLookup": true,
"operator": "Eq",
"filterVal": "[currentItem:Project_x0020_ID]"
"dropDownDefaultvalue": "",
"parseFunction": "",
"addYouOwnValue": {
"on": false,
"linkText": "Write your own value"
"addToExternalList": {
"on": false,
"customFunction": null,
"linkText": "Add new item",
"saveNewItemText": "Save new item"
"debug": false,
"customSort": ""
This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Brian Oster.
This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Brian Oster.
This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
Brian Oster.