Hello Alexander, could you see adding this to the Autocomplete solution any time soon?
That is, beeing able to set a (filtered) list view as the base for an autocomplete search?
“applyTo”: “cmPartner”,
“helpText”: “Vertragspartner auswählen…”,
“listGuid”: “FB46E97C-CAB4-4537-A566-4DBE0FD866E3”,
“viewGuid”: “…”, ???
Alternatively, would it be possible to add a function call to do a custom check of a list entry before it is added to the selection?
“applyTo”: “cmPartner”,
“helpText”: “Vertragspartner auswählen…”,
“listGuid”: “FB46E97C-CAB4-4537-A566-4DBE0FD866E3”,
“validationCallbackFunction”: “…..”,