Email Notification 30 Days Prior to Event Workflow

Forums General discussion Email Notification 30 Days Prior to Event Workflow

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    • #14364
      Iain Munro


      I have done a few workflows in my time, but this one is stumping me a little.

      I have a Date Due and have created a 30 Day Notification (Date Due – 30).

      But each time I try to get this set up, it keeps me going around in circles with the options to select.

      Is there a simple way to do this that will work, even if the item is not updated / refreshed ?


      • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Iain Munro.
    • #14516
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m sorry for the late reply – my inbox gets flooded sometimes.

      Unfortunately I’m not sure what kind of notification you are setting up – is it a DFFS email or a workflow notification?

      If you can give me some more details I might be able to help.


    • #14635
      Iain Munro

      Hi Alexander

      Thanks for the feedback.

      I was looking at workflow notification.

      This is what I have so far, but it is not working.

      What I am essentially trying to do after an items is added to SharePoint, is send a reminder to the author that they have 30 days left before the report is due.


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