E-Mail Active Tab

Forums Classic DFFS E-Mail Active Tab

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    • #11226
      Jeffery McElroy


      I am running DFFS v4.366 in SP 2013 in an IE 11 and Windows 7 environment. The E-mail Active Tab function works just fine for me, however, I have a user where the email is not sending or getting hung up somewhere. When running F12 debugger, here is the error:

      alert(b.responseJSON.error.message.value+”\n\nError details:\n”+Strings.STS.L_DLPLite_SharingPage_SingleExternalUserText.replace(“{0}”,a.to))}}})}

      Error: Unable to get property ‘replace’ of undefined or null reference

      Any ideas?

    • #11273
      Alexander Bautz

      I have wrapped this line in a “try-catch” because the variable “Strings.STS.L_DLPLite_SharingPage_SingleExternalUserText” is not available in all SP versions. The fix in v4.3.67 will not fix the issue, only display a slightly more informative error message.

      When hitting this error handler, I’m guessing your colleague is trying to send to an external e-mail address? – when using REST e-mail, you can only send to valid users in the organization.

      To overcome this limitation in SharePoint, you can configure the send e-mail feature in DFFS to use a workflow (option in the top of the email and print tab in DFFS backend).

      Hope this helps.


    • #11293
      Jeffery McElroy

      My colleague is not sending to an external email address, they are sending it to themselves using their internal email address.

    • #11306
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m not sure what could be wrong, but you can use this code to test the sending. To use it, you must be logged into the SharePoint site, and then open the developer console using F12. Go to the “Console” tab and paste this code:

      function test_email(a){
      	return spjs.$.ajax({
      		"contentType": "application/json",
      		"url": _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl+ "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail",
      		"type": "POST",
      		"data": JSON.stringify({
      			"properties": {
      				"__metadata": {
      					"type": "SP.Utilities.EmailProperties"
      				'To': {
      					'results': [a.to]
      				'CC': {
      					'results': [a.cc]
      				'BCC': {
      					'results': [a.bcc]
      				'Subject': a.subject,
      				'Body': a.body					
      		"headers": {
      			"Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",
      			"content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
      			"X-RequestDigest": spjs.$("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
      		"success": function(data){
      			alert("Email sent");
      		"error": function(err) {
      	"subject":"Test email",
      	"body":"This is a test message"

      Change “Put_your_email_address@here.com” with your own email. You should bet an alert with either “Email sent” or an error.

      If you cannot make this work, using the workflow method will most likely work (as long as you are allowed to use SP designer to create the WF).

      Please note that sending messages using REST is only available in SP 2013


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