Due Date Calculator – Needing M-F dates

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    • #33115
      Teresa Harden

        Hi, I need some assistance! I have a “calculator” to determine due dates for multiple milestones. The user entered the “need it by” date, tabs out of the form, and the rest of the dates calculate based on “need it by” date minus or plus xx. (Different milestones have different xx date). I do not allow the form to be saved, as the intention is a ‘calculator’.

        Problem is, there is 1 date that I need to fall on the Friday (business day) before, if the date falls on Saturday or Sunday. In the attached file, it’s the red, bigger font field of “CRQ_x0020_Submitted_x0020_by” minus5. If the minus 5 falls on Sat/Sun, I want THAT field to default to Friday before that date.

        Currently I have a heading warning the user that if date falls on Sat/Sun, it must be Friday, but it’s not helping.

        Is this possible?? Thanks to any insight (CODE AS PASTED IN MY JS TAB BELOW with a —>>> in the field I need for the above to happen)


        function dateOffsetDays(date, days){
        var d = new Date(date.valueOf());
        var nDate = d.setDate(d.getDate()+days); return new Date(nDate);
        function doCalculateDates(){ var deployDate =
        spjs.utility.getDateFieldAsDateObject(“Deployment_x0020_Date”); // Plus 14 days example
        //var plus14 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, 14);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“Admins_x0020_Approve_x0020_Deplo” , plus14);
        // Minus 14 days example
        var minus20 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, -20);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“Deployment_x0020_Plan_x0020_Due_” , minus20);
        var minus15 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, -15);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“Admins_x0020_Approve_x0020_Deplo” , minus15);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“PPRT_x0020_Details_x0020_Due_x00”, minus15);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“JIRA_x0020_Stories_x0020_Extract”, minus15);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“CRQ_x0020_Submission_x0020_by”, minus15);
        var minus10 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, -10);
        spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“CRQ_x0020_Approved_x0020_by”, minus10);
        var minus5 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, -5);

        —>>> spjs.utility.setDateFieldFromDateObject(“CRQ_x0020_Submitted_x0
        020_by”, minus5);

        var plus5 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, 5);

        0”, plus5);
        spjs.dffs.doReadOnly([ “Deployment_x0020_Plan_x0020_Due_”, “Admins_x0020_Approve_x0020_Deplo”, “PPRT_x0020_Details_x0020_Due_x00”, “JIRA_x0020_Stories_x0020_Extract”, “CRQ_x0020_Submission_x0020_by”, “CRQ_x0020_Approved_x0020_by”, “CRQ_x0020_Submitted_x0020_by”, “Uploaded_x0020_to_x0020_GCPAR_x0”, “CRQ_x0020_Approval_x0020_by”]);
        // Hide Save / Cancel
        jQuery(‘input[value*=Save]’).hide(); //Bottom jQuery(‘input[value*=Commit]’).hide(); //Bottom
        // Hide SP Ribbon
        jQuery(‘a[id*=”Commit”]’).hide(); //Ribbon jQuery(“#s4-ribbonrow”).css({“display”:”none”}); //Ribbon

      • #33118
        Alexander Bautz

          You can use code like this to offset the date back to the previous friday:

          var minus5 = dateOffsetDays(deployDate, -5);
          var day = minus5.getDay();
          var offset = 0;
          if(day === 6){
              // 6 = Saturday
              offset = 1;
          if(day === 0){
              // 0 = Sunday
              offset = 2;
          if(offset > 0){
              minus5.setDate(minus5.getDate() - offset);


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