Document sets?

Forums Classic DFFS Document sets?

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  • Author
    • #6594
      Michal Riha

      Hi Alexander,
      is it possible to use DFFS for Document sets? I try it but without success. It is possible to add frontend CEWP to Disp/Edit/NewForm but link to UI configuration page is missing. When I open UI configuration via url link – It was possible to save configuration but rules doesnot work.

    • #6599
      Alexander Bautz

      I have not tested it with document sets (and I have no experience with document sets either). Do you have the solution set up and working in another list or library to ensure you have the setup correctly?


    • #6604
      Michal Riha

      Yes your solution works perfect in list or document library.
      Document set seems it has same structure (DispForm, EditForm.aspx..), it is possible to add webparts to page, but it does not work.

    • #10035
      Dirk Loehn

      Hi Alexander, we encountered the same Problem

      We would like to use dffs with document sets – without success so far.
      document sets behave somewhat like folders in a document library, but with added metadata.
      DFFS Setup works, we can configure the tabs, but they are not displayed.

      Dffs works great on same website with a standard document library
      I’m using Dynamic Forms for SharePoint DFFS Backend v4.360|CSS version: 4.10 / |spjs-utility version: 1.257

      Thanks for looking into this – Dirk

    • #10083
      Alexander Bautz

      I have tested now and its only a matter of changing the folder detection function in DFFS to not include the document set content type. I’ll add support for this in the upcoming production release of v4.365.


    • #10098
      Dirk Loehn

      Hi Alexander, great this works in Beta4 in general.

      One issue occurs when you create a new document set. Instead of NewForm.aspx, the file /_layouts/15/NewDocSet.aspx is called, and DFFS Reports “DFFS functionality will not be applied because you are attempting to load a non-existing list item (missing ID in the URL).”

      Any idea?

    • #10102
      Alexander Bautz

      I’ll look into it late tonight.


    • #10116
      Alexander Bautz

      The “newform” for document sets did not follow the same standard as the other forms in SP 2013 so I had to fiddle a bit with it. I have now added support for using DFFS in “NewDocSet.aspx” in BETA 5.

      Can you take a look and see if it works as expected?


    • #20849

      Hi Alexander,

      i want to use dffs within the NewDosSet.aspx.

      Should this still work with the current version on SharePoint2016 ?

      The Installer only recognizes the disp and the edit form. How could i config the newdocset.aspx?

      Best Regards,

    • #20857
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry, but the only way I was able to get this working was using the old JSLink installation method. I’m not sure this will work on SP 2016, but you can try it out.

      The JSLink setup file is not part of the current version so you will have to start by download an older version and get the “Setup.html” file from that package. Add it to your current DFFS folder and see the attached setup instructions how to set up the JSLink DFFS Loader column.

      Please note: This is not supposed to replace your installation method for the rest of the lists, it is only for use in the document library where you use document sets.

      Let me know how this works out.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Zipped the attachment because of size restrictions for attachments
    • #22228
      Josef Wainz

      Hi Alex,

      Where does DFFS stand in regards to Document Sets and SharePoint Online? I really need a tabbed interface when creating a new Doc Set.

      Is there a work around?

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Josef Wainz.
    • #22249
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry, but the only option is to use the older JSLink installation method as described in my previous comment.


    • #22291
      Josef Wainz

      Thanks Alexander, I’ll give that a try. Wanted to make sure it was a viable solution for SharePoint Online before spending the time.

    • #24361
      Josef Wainz


      Is it possible to install the old JSLink version side by side with the latest version? If so, can you point me to some guidance.

    • #24368
      Alexander Bautz

      Yes, this is possible – just install it like described in the file attached above:


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