Display Calculated field

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    • #31527
      First Eagle

        Hello Alexander,

        please how can i display calculated on the DFFS Form ?

        Best regards

      • #31542
        Alexander Bautz

          I guess you are referring to EditForm as calculated columns are available in DispForm by default. To do this you must add this to your Custom JS:

          var res = spjs.utility.getItemByID({
              "listName": _spPageContextInfo.pageListId,
              "id": spjs.dffs.data.thisItemID,
              "viewFields": ["ID", "YourCalculatedColumn"]
          var yourCalcFieldValue = res.YourCalculatedColumn.split(";#")[1];

          Then add a table row to your tab and use this in the Row body textarea:


          Replace YourCalculatedColumn with the internal name of our calculated field.


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