DFFs Rules

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    • #9903

        Hello Alexander,

        I have questions regards to DFFS rules and hoping you can help. I will stated as briefly as possible:

        Is there a way to check for a particular value of a field (e.g., “Division = Child Support” or “Supervisor = Yes”) without having to set a trigger to run the rule?

        I can set a rule called “DivisionIsDCS” and have it trigger on Load or Field Change, and so have the rule return True if “Division = Child Support”, but I can’t give it No Trigger (rule must be called by name) and still tell it to return True if “Division = Child Support” (or any other field/value combination).

        Because I don’t know how to call such a rule without setting a trigger – the options to specify a field/value combination don’t appear to be available in that case – then I can’t set something to happen whenever the rule runs and returns True, because the action I’m after is not appropriate for all Load or Field Change situations, but only for a particular set of two field/value combinations (“Division = Child Support” and “Supervisor = Yes”).

        Part of the problem is that DFFS reorders the rules according to a formula that I am powerless to modify, and so considers certain rules as not having run in certain conditions, but it seems that this problem would be solvable if I could have a rule that allowed me to check the value of a field and return True when a specified condition was met, but did NOT have to set a Trigger for that rule.

        I hope I’m not confusing you.

        Thanks in advance!
        Best regards

        • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Ally.
      • #9906
        Alexander Bautz

          It sounds like you don’t use the latest version of DFFS?

          The later versions will not reorder the rules, and also supports a rule that triggers on a custom function that can do what you ask.

          Let me know if you need more information.


        • #9910

            Thanks so much Alexander! It’s good to know the products we recent purchased didn’t come with the latest version of DFFS. We brought our templates through SharePoint Marketplace back in July 2015.

            Do you by chance know how we can get the newest and latest version of DFFS?

            Thanks again for your help! Much appreciated


          • #9953
            Alexander Bautz

              SPMarketplace has an OEM license for use with these templates, but I don’t have anything directly to do with SPMP so I’m afraid you’ll have to ask them if it is OK to update to the latest version, or if they know of any issues.

              The reason for this is that the older version might have some shortcomings that they have compensated for in the rules / configuration.

              Also, the OEM license key must be updated from SPMP as updating DFFS requires a new license code.

              If you want to use DFFS with other sites that are not part of the SPMP templates, you can purchase a separate license from me.

              If you want to test this, you find all files and resources linked from this page: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/

              Best regards,

            • #9961

                Hello Alexander,

                I just want to Thank YOU for pointing out that we were working with old version of DFFs. Otherwise, there no way we would know as we very new to the DFFs platform. We have contacted the SP Marketplace, they were able to upgraded the new version within couple hours. Thank you again 🙂

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