dffs license

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    • #12667
      Jad Hajali

        hello Alexander, hope you are well.

        i have a quick question, if the 14 days trial period end, will vlookup stop working ? because i just finished the vlookup configuration on parent – child, however the add button isnt appearing, and ive done this quite a few times before, so there is no reason at all for it NOT to work, and outside on the add new page of the list, it says if you want to keep using dffs, buy license.

        so my question, is it because the trial ended, or maybe something wrong with the configuration ?

      • #12672
        Alexander Bautz

          This sounds like an error in the configuration. You can control how the add new button is shown in NewForm, DispForm, EditForm and List view in the configuration for vLookup.

          Let me know if you have additional questions.


          • #12684
            Jad Hajali

              Hey Alexander,

              there seems to be an error in the dffs loading things,

              it’s just refusing to load any plugins, and giving me the error message of ” failed to load plugins etc etc , make sure that they are in the dffs library etc ”

              although they are in the library, i dont understand why they would refuse to load,

              1- the license is over ( 14 days are over, and its giving me the message : if you want to keep using dffs please buy the license ”
              2- the internet is slow
              3- im using internet explorer
              4- i tried it on incognito google chrome window
              5- i use ctrl+f5 to refresh the page and reset cash, and then it gives me this error of not loading, either plugins and sometimes Jquery ..

              can you please help ? if you have any idea, i mean its working properly on another site, where the license isnt over, same internet speed, google chrome.

            • #12686
              Jad Hajali

                Hey Alex,

                apparently if you remove the tick from ” add to all content type” when you are creating a vlookup column or adding the dffs loader site column to any list, it will not work.

                this tick must be on if anything related to dffs is to work.

                figured that out by trial and error i suppose.

                thank you anyways my friend.


            • #12688
              Alexander Bautz

                I’m glad you figured it out.

                This tick must be on – if not the columns are not loaded in the content type and it will not work.


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