DFFS Form examples

Forums Classic DFFS DFFS Form examples


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    • #7664
      Alexander Bautz

      This topic is for user-posted DFFS forms. Please take a few screenshots, and write a few lines to describe what’s special with your form.


    • #7684

      Just a simple form to start things off. Apologies for the blurred data and the large image size – seemed best to show it all together rather than chopping it up into sections – zoom in to see the detail. I’ve annotated alongside the form to describe which elements of DFFS I’ve used.

      I created this for capturing quarterly reports from about 30 separate contributors. Nothing very fancy here really, but I do have four separate child lists linked up to this parent one via the vLookup plugin. Two for display of read only data, and two where data is being submitted as part of the report – multiple rows as required.

      The only other thing I think I’ve used is html formatting on a couple of fields.

    • #7686
      Alexander Bautz

      Hi Adam,
      Thank you for taking the time to post this example.


    • #7703
      Rich Rockwell

      This is my application for headcount request approvals and tracking.

      The form changes based on which level of approval is required so that the approval field for the stage is at the top of the form and is the only editable field. All other fields are read-only in any approval stage.
      Custom headings with HTML (and wingdings) show the current stage.
      Other headings separate the detail by priority.
      A separate tab allows for a detailed job description.

      First screenshot shows the Manager approval stage. Second screenshot shows the CIO-1 approval stage.

    • #7707
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for posting this Rich, the heading looked nice – can you post a screenshot / code snippet of the configuration for the heading with the 1-9 steps?

      Best regards,

    • #7708
      Rich Rockwell

      Here is a sample of HTML used for the “Manager Approval Required” stage. For each stage, I change the color of the Wingding and change the Wingding to the solid background. I have one of these headings for each stage, and I show the current stage and hide the others based on the status.

      <table cellSpacing="8" cellPadding="0" align="left"><tr><td title="Awaiting Manager Approval" align=center><font size=5 color=#cd3529><b>❶</b></font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Awaiting CIO-2 Approval" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>②</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Awaiting CFO & BM Approval" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>③</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Awaiting CIO-1 Approval" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>④</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Awaiting CIO Approval" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>⑤</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Approved" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>⑥</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Interviewing"  align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>⑦</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Offer Out"  align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>⑧</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 color="silver">➔</font></td><td title="Filled" align=center><font size=5 color=#808080>⑨</font></td></tr><tr><td align=left colspan=17><font size=2 color=#cd3529>Manager Approval Required </td></tr></table>
    • #7709
      Rich Rockwell

      The Wingdings are showing as the actual characters in my code sample above.

      Here is a sample of the codes used for each character:
      arrow #10132
      Numbers with solid background
      1 – #10102
      2 – #10103
      3 – #10104

      Numbers with hollow background
      1 – #9312
      2 – #9313
      3 – #9314

    • #7712
      Alexander Bautz



    • #7713
      Rich Rockwell

      Here is a handy bit of HTML I use in a heading (see attachment) shown or hhidden based on a rule for an important message.

      <table bgcolor="#fff9de" cellpadding="3px" width=100% style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tr><td style="border-top: 1px solid #ffdf88; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffdf88; border-left: 1px solid #ffdf88; border-right: 0px solid #ffdf88;"><img src="_layouts/images/warning32by32.gif" /></td><td style="font-size: 12px; border-top: 1px solid #ffdf88; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffdf88; border-left: 0px solid #ffdf88; border-right: 1px solid #ffdf88;"> This is an important message that can be hidden or displayed based on rules for headings.</td></tr></table>
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Rich Rockwell.
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Rich Rockwell.
      • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Fixed HTML format on the image tag
    • #7721
      Alexander Bautz

      Hi Rich,
      I fixed the image format (and removed your other comment) – thanks again for taking the time to post these examples!

      Best regards,

    • #7858

      Word counter in multiline Enhanced Rich Text field

      A couple weeks ago we received a request to automatically aggregate weekly report documents into one report through SharePoint. Essentially, replace a manual process of copying and pasting Word documents into an automated SharePoint solution. Part of this request was to limit the overall length of the document so that each report is about two 8½ x 11 pages in length. Internet Explorer and SharePoint being intrinsically NOT a word processor, we decided to use a word count as a visual indicator of length. With Alexander’s Dynamic Forms for SharePoint and a little code this didn’t appear too difficult until we realized our multiline Enhanced Rich Text fields couldn’t use solutions developed for multiline plain text fields (SeeAlexander’s solution here).

      Not finding a readily available solution with my limited coding skills, I reached out to a work colleague who came up with a workable solution. Below is my attempt at explaining how to replicate this solution on your DFFS forms.

      This solution also needed to work in IE 8 per our intranet browser settings. We created a simpler solution that was working in IE 11 and Chrome, but failed in IE 8. This solution is working in a SharePoint 2013 site displaying in SharePoint 2010 during our migration. Confirmation of this working in a 2013 site would be appreciated.

      Step 1. Find Field ID
      You will first need to find the field ID of your enhanced rich text field. Use the Developer Toolbar to find the field ID for each enhanced rich text field. It should look something like this: ctl00_m_g_164b102d_447f_4802_9953_f6aacc6e614c_ctl00_ctl05_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte

      Step 2. The Code:
      Custom JS

      In the Custom JS section of the DFFS form, enter the following code for each enhanced rich text field (See attachment for markup and comments):

      Custom JS with comments

      $('#ctl00_m_g_164b102d_447f_4802_9953_f6aacc6e614c_ctl00_ctl05_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte').bind('keyup blur',function(e){
      	var thisLength = $(this).text().length;
      if(true && thisLength>0){
      thisLength = $(this).text().split(/[' '|\n]/).length;
      if(true && 200>0){
      }else if(thisLength>(200-10)){
      currVal = $(this).text();
      $(this).val(currVal.substring(0,currVal.lastIndexOf(' ')));
      currVal = $(this).text();
      thisLength = (200-thisLength<0)?0:200-thisLength;
      $("#myCustomCounter_ctl00_m_g_164b102d_447f_4802_9953_f6aacc6e614c_ctl00_ctl05_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte").html("Remaining words: "+thisLength); });

      Why a 200 word count? Our form has 5 multiline fields which roughly translates to 170 words per field to reach our 2 page “limit” goal. We decided not to use a hard limit on the word count, meaning the user can enter more than 200 words and we’re counting on the visual indicators to help guide their behavior. Additional levels and colorization can be added to code as necessary.

      Custom JS



      See attachments for stylization examples.

      Step 3. Create Word Count Headers in Tabs
      Now that the code is added we need to create a div in the form to show the Word Count. For each Enhanced Rich Text Field, insert a header below the field. For example:

      <div id="myCustomCounter_ctl00_m_g_164b102d_447f_4802_9953_f6aacc6e614c_ctl00_ctl05_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte"></div>

      The string “ctl00_m_g_164b102d_447f_4802_9953_f6aacc6e614c_ctl00_ctl05_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField_inplacerte” is the field ID we captured in Step 1. You will need to customize each header with its related field ID. You may also notice we’ve added a class name to each header. We are not using the class names at this time.



      Save your changes and test your solution by typing into your multiline text field(s). If the word counter is not appearing, you may have not entered the Field ID correctly. Check all areas the field ID is referenced (5x in the JS code and once in each header).

      • This reply was modified 9 years ago by avala. Reason: Added img
      • This reply was modified 9 years ago by avala. Reason: added another image
    • #13727
      Remi Steen


      Just wanted to share what i have made With DFFS.
      There’s really nothing fancy With the Forms.
      I have just used some CSS to change colors on the background, tabs etc.
      I have alsp added some fontello icons just for the UI to be user friendly.

      The Whole meaning of this form is to keep it simple for the eyes, and easy to use for the users.

      Don’t mind that the Language on the forms is Norwegian 🙂

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Remi Steen.
      • #16757

        The form looks very nice Remi. Would it possible to see your css field?

    • #13758
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for sharing Remi.

      The form looks nice – could you possibly share the “Custom CSS” you used?

      Best regards,

    • #18070

      Hi Alexander, is it possible to share the Side-by-side settings of this form?

    • #18156
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry, but I don’t have this form any more, but you should find a similar looking form here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-styling/

      Does this answer your question?


    • #19795
      Emma N

      Hi All,

      I’m after a bit of advice to help me get started with some java scripting. I’m trying to make one of my forms really user friendly and have managed to get it much better by using the side-by-side setting (see attached screenshot). I would also like to use some of the java scripting to colour code some of the fields based on their value or when they are blank/contain N/A.

      I’ve had a go at adapting some of the script found on the forum but I keep getting an 80020101 error message, i’m not sure if i’m missing a step, any help to get me started would be greatly appreciated.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Emma N. Reason: image change
    • #19805
      Alexander Bautz

      What kind of script are you trying to use when you get this error? – and is it when you try to save the form you get it?


    • #19830
      Emma N

      Hi Alexander,

      thanks for getting in touch…This is the code I’ve tried using in the custom JS section to colour the AprilStatus field dependent upon the choice selected. Ideally I want to be able to extend this to other fields and in particular grey out the N/A fields.

      (function colorMyField(){
      var val = getFieldValue(“AprilStatus”), color = “#ffffff”;
      color = “#00ff00”;


    • #19842
      Alexander Bautz

      Here is a code snippet that colors the dropdown in the “Status” field. See if you can use it as a starting point.

      jQuery("#dffs_Status select").on("change",function(){
          var bgColor = "white", txtColor = "black";
              case "Not started":
                  bgColor = "red";
                  txtColor = "white";
              case "In progress":
                  bgColor = "green";
                  txtColor = "white";
              case "Completed":
                  bgColor = "gray";
                  txtColor = "black";


    • #20025
      Emma N

      Hi All,

      After another bit of help… I’ve trying to get my edit form set up so that my headings align with the side by side rows I’ve applied. The fields in my list are mainly choice options that all seem to have an auto width and don’t align with the headings I’ve set up.

    • #20035
      Alexander Bautz

      You can try this snippet in the Custom CSS:

      .sbs_OuterTable {
          width: auto;
      .sbs_tdIndex_1, .sbs_tdIndex_2, .sbs_tdIndex_3{
      	min-width:200px !important;	
      	width:200px !important;

      It will set each “column” to 200px. Adjust this number to match the layout you like.

      It might also require that you set the width of the dropdowns – try using this snippet:

      .sbs_InnerTR select{

      Hope this lines it up correctly for you.


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