DFFS Email Alert

Forums Classic DFFS DFFS Email Alert

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    • #35020
      Paul Lynch

      Hi Alexander,

      I am trying to end emails from my DFFS form. But if I use a shared mailbox address or resource account, the emails never seem to reach their destination. Which is a shame as the email appears to come from “SP” not from a shared mailbox like in FLOW (Power Automate).

      User email address – username@mydomain.com
      Also {Author} and {Currentuseremail} work

      Shared mailbox example – sharedmailbox1@mydomain.com
      Resource Account – RA-DEPT-BLAH1@mydomain.com

      Separate Note on not using REST api:

      We are about to retire SP2010 workflows in our organisation. So I guess I can no longer use a custom list with workflow to send E-Mails? As you have to use platform type SP2010? When setting up the workflow.

      SP 2013 workflow will only send emails to valid members of the organization

      Wanted to confirm the limitations of the platform.

      I guess we should just setup a FLOW (Power Automate) to trigger when the item is modified and build in the logic in that platform?.

      Kind Regards,

    • #35022
      Alexander Bautz

      Not sure exactly why sending to a shared mailbox doesn’t work, but it could be the email server that rejects the message.

      Regarding FLOW: You can either set up a FLOW to trigger directly on the list (and remove all DFFS emails), but you can also just replace the list workflow in the DFFS_EMail list with a FLOW that does the same as your old WF did.


      • #37795
        Bryan Waldrop

        I am facing a similar situation to Paul where my company will be retiring 2010 workflows to upgrade the backend to SharePoint SE. They will not upgrading to SharePoint Online or making Flow available until later time unknown.

        So my question is aside from the limitation “SP 2013 workflow will only send emails to valid members of the organization” can the 2010 workflow be replaced by a 2013 workflow as long sending to emails outside and organization is not needed?

        Also, before I try to re-write myself is there any 2013 workflow reference that I might be able to follow?


      • #37796
        Alexander Bautz

        Using a SP2013 workflow should not be a problem, but I don’t have any examples on the setup. You can find some general information here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/send-email-in-a-workflow-11d5f9dd-955f-412c-b70f-cde4214204f4

        You should be able to find the same type of actions in SP2013 WF as in SP2010 WF to replicate the steps see in the user manual here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-user-manual/#Set_up_the_workflow


    • #35032
      Paul Lynch

      Thanks Alexander, I like this idea, great!

      but you can also just replace the DFFS_EMail list with a FLOW that does the same as your old WF did.

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