DFFS Date field and Attachment field

Forums Modern DFFS DFFS Date field and Attachment field

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  • Author
    • #36942
      Wendi Watson

      Hello Alexander,

      I am using DFFS for SharePoint online version 13 and 19. I notice 2 things.

      date field when set to date and time shows time twice as below: Previously in On-prem when it was set to date and time it separted

      07/03/2023 12:00am 00 : 00

      On Prem
      07/03/2023 00 : 00

      for Attachments field – in online DFFS I can set a rule to Require and attachment and that works, but when I test and add an attachment it does not recognize that there is an attachment there. In 13 it just lets me save in 19 I can’t save the record.

      Do you have any info if this has been fixed in later versions or if there would be any workarounds for these items?

    • #36943
      Wendi Watson

      Update, I just downloaded v 27 and these items seem to still be present

    • #36944
      Alexander Bautz

      I need some more information. First I’m wondering if you are using the Classic or the Modern DFFS version? – can you add a few screenshots? – ensure to remove any sensitive information.


    • #36945
      Wendi Watson

      Hi Alexander,

      I uploaded a file with screenshots and some explanations.

      Thank you!

      • #36947
        Alexander Bautz

        Thanks for the screenshots. I’ll fix both issues in the next version – hopefully published during the upcoming weekend.


    • #36948
      Wendi Watson

      Thank you!! I love DFFS forms by the way 🙂

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