Detect any change in an EditForm

Forums Classic DFFS Detect any change in an EditForm

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    • #30657
      Alexander Bautz

      I got a request for a snippet that detects any change in an EditForm, but cannot remember if it was in the forum or by email… – in any case, here it is.

      Put this in your EditForm Custom JS:

      var formLoadState = {};
      function dffs_ready() {
          setTimeout(function() {
              jQuery.each(spjs.dffs.fieldtype, function(fin, type) {
                  var val = getFieldValue(fin);
                  if ((type === "SPFieldNote" || type === "SPFieldHTML") && val.indexOf("<p>") > -1) {
                      val = jQuery(val).text();
                  formLoadState[fin] = val;
          }, 500);
      function dffs_PreSaveAction() {
          var formSaveState = [],
              changed = false,
              cArr = [];
          jQuery.each(spjs.dffs.fieldtype, function(fin, type) {
              var val = getFieldValue(fin);
              if ((type === "SPFieldNote" || type === "SPFieldHTML") && val.indexOf("<p>") > -1) {
                  val = jQuery(val).text();
              if (String(val) !== String(formLoadState[fin])) {
                  changed = true;
          if (changed) {
              // Form is changed - do something? - the alert is just an example
                  "title": "These fields have changed",
                  "msg": cArr.join("<br>")
          } else {
              // Form is not changed
          return true;

      This will collect all the form field values when the form loads, and then compare it with the current value when the user tries to save the form – alerting in case of any change.

      In the case of a field change, you could for example set another field value before save.

      I Hope someone finds this useful.


    • #30667
      Amal Vellappillil

      Hi Alex,

      Thank you so much for the snippet.
      Just out of curiosity. What is the difference between the way you have it vs comparing between beforeProperties and getFieldValue?

      spjs.dffs.beforeProperties[fin] !== getFieldValue(fin)

      -Amal Vellappillil

    • #30673
      Alexander Bautz

      Comparing like you suggest is mostly the same, but beforeProperties changes some of the values (for people pickers, taxonomy fields, lookups and some date fields) – also the comparison of “SPFieldNote” and “SPFieldHTML” needs a bit more. And also, the loading is deferred 500 milliseconds to ensure for example people pickers are fully rendered before the script fires.


    • #30676
      Amal Vellappillil

      Thank you for taking the time to explain the difference.

    • #32440
      William Ellis

      I have tried this alert code, but the alert message flashes for a split second and disappears, saving the changes. Anyone else had this issue?

    • #32447
      Alexander Bautz

      The alert is just an example in the code and will not stop the save. What are you trying to do?


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